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Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support


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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Can't see your problem Mr V. As Sporting odds new representative in punters lounge i have to say that you may feel bitter that miszike scored lots of placed finishes but he/she clear played better than you and deserved the placings. It has been noted that Danno375 often plays fantastic poker but only gets one placed finish so It is there new policy that if they think you are ace you can have a placing more than once. The basis for this is if you are attractive, tall and witty, along with your location. The people at Sporting Odds love Budapest and like to show thier appreciation of such a wonderful city that they enjoy rewarding people who have the good fore sight to live there. So shut up moaning Mr V and get a grip. You are obviously being taught a lesson in poker by our Hungarian bretheren and you should be grateful that you are allowed to play in the same games. You are, after all, Scum and should you continue this pathetic line of complaint they will be justified in sending round men with sharp turnips dor rectal insertion. Now that I am the representative for Sporting Odds I would thank you to keep your petty little comments about "my team" to yourself and concentrate on personal hygiene instead of xenophobic rantings. From now on..... just leave it you nonce! Danno375 Now to be known as danno"sportingodds are brill"375

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that Wemyss Bay is a 15 minute drive from where I am and NOT in Hungary.... unless they've mysteriously relocated Greenock! At least this game won't be all Hungarians! :lol Get in there V... would be interested in hearing the outcome of this one.

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I've just finished talking to a nice lady at Sporting odds, after I asked to speak to Ben Walton, who I believe is in charge of Sporting Odds Poker. I have talked for 20 minutes on how the amount of Hungarians who play on sporting odds and deliberately cheat or abuse the poker room rules is having a serious effect on Sporting odds with its British/European/Non Hungarian customers. I am going to e-mail this person directly (and chase things up over the phone this time) regarding the issues I have had with (a) The Hungarians and (b) The apathetic attitude when reporting any issues to poker response {Boss Media Customer Support}. I feel that with a little effort from anyone who has Sporting odds poker on their PC, whether they just play the dollar up or are a semi resident there, we can actually get sporting odds to take action, as even sporting odds customer support have noticed an increase in new accounts all from the same area. I have been told that a possible outcome of this investigation could be a blanket ban on Hungary at Sporting odds. Whilst I take no pleasure in sporting odds excluding a whole nation, I can't help hoping this is the outcome. What I will do is post my e-mail before I have sent it, and in that e-mail it will advise this manager that a petition is to follow. IF you agree with my comments, or would like to add your own issues please include your Sporting odds table name. Thank you.

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Mr V - you have my full support :ok I sent an email off to SO after the last DU - and they haven't even bothered to reply yet!!! :wall :wall :wall

My username on Sporting Odds Poker is Telepe. Last night I played in your Dollar Up tournament. There were 188 entrants, of whom 44 were members of the PuntersLounge.com Poker Forum. Unfortuantely I was knocked out early, but remained to support other members of the forum. Towards the end of the competition (when there were just 2 tables left) - two of your players were talking in non English chat, despite requests not to do so. They were fragrently breaking your rules, but happy to do so, with the knowledge that you will not act against them. Worse, for one hand - just these 2 players were left in - they had a quick chat in their own language, then one of them backed down and folded. It seems clear that they were discussing their cards - whilst still live, and acting in tandem to help one another!! Unfortunately, this kind of cheating seems to have become the norm within your site. The two players in question were Lord AA and NaNeMond. If you visit the PuntersLounge web site, you will see that Sporting Odds is getting increasingly poor coverage there. People are becoming more and more fed up with the overt cheating that is left unchecked, and the frequent technical problems (as well as one person who is convinced that the cards are fixed against him!!!!!!) - and increasing numbers have announced that they are boycotting the site, except for freerolls, and the Dollar Up - I believe that if you don't take action to repair your reputation soon, then you are seriously risking your long term poker business (unless you choose to abandon the UK and set up in Hungary!!!). Speaking personally - I started to discover Cash games at Sporting Odds, and for a short while it was my "home" - now I play more and more cash games - however like so many others, I have abandoned Sporting Odds apart from the Freerolls and Dollar Up - and when I do visit for these, it just infuriates me further, and convinces me that I and so many others have made the correct decision in not investing any money in Sporting Odds Poker. I now play my cash poker elsewhere. Many thanks for your time, and I look forward to your response,
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

Valiant' date=' you definitely have my support in pursuing the problem of multi-regging. But losing the Hungarians is a worrying prospect, they've been paying my rent all year :([/quote'] and my credit card bills!! :lol I've got to agree though that they're taking the michael at Sporting Odds and getting away with it. The Peoples Poker Challenge is supposed to be for UK based players only but still they dominate the field. I can't for the life of me understand why SO DON'T take action. It must take more work to sort out who has actually qualified for the final than it normally would. Surely a simple bit of script could take these guys out of action from this particular event? If they can tell you what your raked hands are when you don't qualify for the freeroll on Thursday night then this shouldn't be any more complex. I'll sign your petition Valiant... although I'll have to make sure I've cashed out the $70 bonus first!! :lol Good luck! :clap
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support You have my full support Mr V. :ok I have previously contacted SO regarding cheating on the final table which amazingly i was present and took 2nd place. but like Gaf says they had a quick chat in their language then the sb folded to the bb who would have been all in if he had called. Unfortunatley their cheating caused 2 other people(from UK) to go out before he did so his prize money was more in the end. The response i got was they would not except it and anyone caught not using english would have their accounts suspended. Yeah because thats happening!!! I think its disgusting that they are allowed to get away with it and to show my support i will sign the petition & also i will stop playing there. (freerolls and dollar up only)

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Tubsy - If you are reading this mate - sorry the table closed and I lost you.... We have noticed that this has been going on for quiet a while at S.O and just pointing it out to them - they have received numerous complaints but are turning a blind eye to it!! glad to see you looked us up though - thanks for that!! See you at the tables some time and Good Luck tonight :ok:ok

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support and Danno - i know you are being SARCASTIC but this thread is receiving lots of views so for anybody not familiar with this forum - Danno is taking the piss - he is no rep of anybody - just another angry customer of "No sporting odds"

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Hi guys. I'm asking you for something else. Here is a copy of the e-mail I will send sometime over the weekend. I am starting a serious thread. Danno - for you mate:tongue2 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/serious If you agree with this please can you post in the new thread, when it appears. If you have nothing to add, just type, "I agree with the above" and include your sporting odds table nickname, if there are relevant points (ie non bad beat) you wish to raise please include them in your post. Thanks again.:clap

Hi, My username is ----------- and my table name is Higgs23pl. As I explained in our conversation this evening I witnessed something which has finally made me consider whether I want Sporting odds to have my business anymore, and that was (I presume) 1 person blatantly registering 5 accounts for the Safety Net (20-01-06). See picture below; http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/8190/multiaccounts5cy.jpg This issue is not uncommon, although this is perhaps the most blatant attempt at multi-regging. There is a disproportionate amount of players from Hungary who play on Sporting odds, in particular Budapest, Debrescen and Szeckszard. There is an associated issue to this one, and that is collusion and talking at the table in a language other than English. Non English Chat I was reassured by Jim Folliard that if we reported it to sporting odds the matter would be investigated. I then spent every night for a long while reporting players for talking in a foreign language, as did other members of the forum PuntersLounge.com. We saw very little in the way of action from sporting odds, and in the face of this I decided you didn't care that this was happening, or that you didn't believe us, so I decided to stop this time consuming practice. Collusion/Chip Dumping One way of dealing with the foreign language issue would be to turn the chat off, however that would mean missing chip-dumping and collusion. Despite knowing only a small amount of French, German and Polish since playing at Sporting odds I have also learned some Hungarian phrases, and though I won't embarrass myself by trying to type them here, I have seen many instances of cheating. These include;
  1. Two Hungarians Heads Up for a pot, and one player has told the other fold and say what there hand is. The 2nd player has folded and the 1st one shows.
  2. 2 Hungarians playing against 1 non Hungarian on a final table, and they were telling each other in Hungarian what they had.
  3. A Hungarian with a large stack make a 4xBB raise(of 6000 chips), and another go all in for approx 6357. The initial raiser then folds.
  4. Hungarian players bullying non Hungarians out of a pot, and then it gets checked down to the river.

At one point during the last 5 months our forum got so angry that we all complained, and for 1 or 2 nights after we had an appearance from 'Sporting odds Poker Boss'. Since then - nothing. My personal opinion is that he has been kidnapped by an alien spaceship captained by Elvis, although others believe that Sporting odds were just paying lip service to our complaints. Boss Media I am well aware that any complaints are passed to your poker response team. I also believe that at some point these investigations are carried out by Boss Media. The attitude of whichever of the 2 bodies is directly responsible for monitoring your poker site quite frankly is diabolical. I took it upon myself on when No2 happened to contact live support, in the vain hope that they would actually investigate whilst it was happening, to be told as I was not playing but only observing I was not allowed to make a complaint!!! The reputation of sporting odds poker at our forum is as low as it can possibly get. The only thing that could possibly help your cause would be a pro-active approach to all aspects of the complaints raised here. Quite frankly if your live 'support' is operated by BM then I would consider having your site monitored by Sporting odds employees, as they may have more of an interest in your business, as opposed to BM who have interests in many. As I have already mentioned I am a member of PuntersLounge.com. Sporting odds poker is a popular site, and could easily be the most popular if you can rectify the Hungarian problem. You have said that you have the option to ban all users from a particular nation. Whilst some people will be unfairly excluded, I feel that it may be necessary to rescue the integrity of your poker site. We have got to this point before, and sporting odds have let their true customers down. This time we are seriously considering a boycott. In fact many already have, and only play the freerolls and Dollar Up. Hopefully our member who is a journalist for Poker Player Magazine will find this thread interesting. As I consider this to be an important issue for the forum, I have asked for their support. A petition thread may be found here; http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23512 Other instances of cheating are mentioned here;

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I am in full support Val against the non english chat and discussings hands(which clearly goes on). However I play under both myself and my girlfriends ID on SO (Subby and EnT2002), so I suppose am as guilty as them really. If its any consolation I took 1 of his ID's out of the Safety Net tonight.

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! Valiant - I whole-heartedly agree with everything you say and more, and will back you all the way, but this isn't unique to this site... it happens on EVERY site, although the multi reg'ing isn't perhaps so obvious. And as for the bad beats... when you see what cards some players play and win with, there is no way they are chancing their luck - one way or another they know what is coming. This is why I generally only play 5 or 6 player STT's (less 'cheats' to worry about), and very rarely play MTT's unless it's a freeroll. And as for Hungarians on SO (may not be SO, but another Boss Media site) - exactly the same situation as with the Scandanavians on Bet365, or whatever Prima site they play. What I would love to do is start my own internet poker site. I would manage what went on. In fact I was speaking to someone about it yesterday. I used to be a programmer, so I'm going to see what I can come up with, with a little help from someone at work (and anyone else here who is interested). This would be to keep costs as low as possible - no need to buy into others software. That way I would have total control of the site too. Anyway, I'm digressing. Like I said, I agree with you.

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

One thing though: I'd hate to see the result of this be that the Hungarians get banned. I know I said before they paid my rent, which has more than a grain of truth in it :D. But that's not the principle reason, it just seems totally unnecessary and heavy handed, and very unfair to non-violating players from that region. Almost every other site prevents multi-regging and collusion violations pretty well by putting in place some fairly basic procedures. IP monitoring, registration database cross-checking and basic chat enforcement would take care of all this nicely - it's what most sites do and it seems like it's time SO made that investment.
guess, I agree with you, or rather I suppose I did. They (SO/BM) have allowed the situation to escalate to the point where it is completely out of control. I'm now of the opinion that, as the bad element have no scruples about the way they act, why should I care about some one who knows what their compatriots are doing, and choose to turn a blind eye. As a forum we can have a large prescence in tournaments (like the Hungarian prescence), and because of this we have a responsibility to other users to conduct ourselves within the rules. That is the crucial difference. I don't want my actions to cause trouble for......say munkimafia, can Lord AA say that about any of his compatriots? As vociferous as our support can be we still respect other players. If they say 'please leave us to play' we have done, and will do in the future. Is it possible for SO to just ban (as an example) the IP address of a particular area? If SO did enforce an initial blanket ban they could still consider new applications from Hungary, but be more proactive in checking new registrations.
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I agree with Guesswest. None of us believe all Hungarian poker players are cheats, I'm sure. I've come across several Hungarians on SO who have not chatted in Hungarian, and some who have said something in Hungarian, apologized when asked to speak in English, and stuck to English from then on. As Guesswest says, there are plenty of things SO could do, short of banning a complete country, that they haven't done ... maybe just hacking the chat facility so it didn't accept consonants with accents on would help. :D It's easy to start getting paranoid, and although I'm sure that there is a lot of cheating going on via Hungarian chat, I'm equally sure that a lot of the Hungarian chat is innocent (apart from breaking the language rules). It's against the rules, I know, but I don't really have a problem with one Hungarian greeting another in Hungarian when he arrives at the table, or Hungarians chatting during a break. I'm not sure I entirely agree with Mr. V's analogy between us and "the Hungarian contingent". I'm sure that there is a Hungarian contingent who know each other and should make an extra effort to avoid any hint of collusion. But just because you're Hungarian doesn't necessarily mean that you are part of this clique, and if you're not then I don't see why you should bear any particular responsibility for their actions. If there were nothing that could be done except wholesale banning of Hungarians, then maybe I would, sadly, support that. But there is plenty that could be done, and I actually don't think SO should be allowed to evade their responsibilities to provide as clean a game as they can by a quick easy "fix" like banning everybody with a .hu email address.

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I don't think it is one contingent of Hungarians at all, unfortunately. I think there are three 'hotspots' (and bear in mind the only info we have as to location is what we can see. "-" is a popular choice), Debrescen, Budapest (a big city I believe, but in comparison with a UK city how big), Szeckszard. I am not against Hungarians en masse, I've had this same experience,

I've come across several Hungarians on SO who have not chatted in Hungarian, and some who have said something in Hungarian, apologized when asked to speak in English, and stuck to English from then on.
and taken the time to compliment them and thank them for their use of English.
If there were nothing that could be done except wholesale banning of Hungarians, then maybe I would, sadly, support that.
What are the possible alternatives? I ask as I'm not an expert on these matters. The question is to what extent are the poker hosts prepared to act fairly? They haven't shown any intent in that dept. so far. Ideally they would initiate a full audit(?) of their customer accounts. I feel that there are 3 guilty parties here, Sporting Odds, Boss Media and the cheats. The last lot laugh at us, the middle lot sweep it under the carpet, and the first lot pass the buck. I can promise anyone who reads this that I do not desire a blanket ban on any nation. This would perhaps highlight an inability on Sporting Odds to deal with matters effectively too. I just want a fair game of poker at Sporting odds. If they had acted earlier we wouldn't be here now. Thanks guess and slapdash. Good points.:ok
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support well said valiant . I would like a fair game too . At least if i lost , i won't say its rigged .

I don't think it is one contingent of Hungarians at all, unfortunately. I think there are three 'hotspots' (and bear in mind the only info we have as to location is what we can see. "-" is a popular choice), Debrescen, Budapest (a big city I believe, but in comparison with a UK city how big), Szeckszard. I am not against Hungarians en masse, I've had this same experience, and taken the time to compliment them and thank them for their use of English. What are the possible alternatives? I ask as I'm not an expert on these matters. The question is to what extent are the poker hosts prepared to act fairly? They haven't shown any intent in that dept. so far. Ideally they would initiate a full audit(?) of their customer accounts. I feel that there are 3 guilty parties here, Sporting Odds, Boss Media and the cheats. The last lot laugh at us, the middle lot sweep it under the carpet, and the first lot pass the buck. I can promise anyone who reads this that I do not desire a blanket ban on any nation. This would perhaps highlight an inability on Sporting Odds to deal with matters effectively too. I just want a fair game of poker at Sporting odds. If they had acted earlier we wouldn't be here now. Thanks guess and slapdash. Good points.:ok
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

What are the possible alternatives? I ask as I'm not an expert on these matters. The question is to what extent are the poker hosts prepared to act fairly? They haven't shown any intent in that dept. so far. Ideally they would initiate a full audit(?) of their customer accounts.
Simply enforcing their "English only" rule and stopping the more blatant cases of multi-regging would go a long way. Although multi-regging in a less blatant way wouldn't be too hard, I accept. For me, the worst indictment of SO is that somebody can register as Szeckszardcheat1, Szeckszardcheat2, Szeckszardcheat3, ... and fully expect to get away with it. That's not just cheating, it's an insult to SO's intelligence. Sadly, it seems to be an insult that SO fully deserves. Guesswest mentioned some more sophisticated things they could do. I can't say I'm an expert in these either, but I've read about some of the sophisticated ways other poker sites guard against collusion, and I believe they do it. The fact that SO can't even guard against collusion of the form "Please fold" ... "OK, fold", albeit in a foreign language, is just ... depressing. If they have limited resources, then it's probably right that they use them in higher stakes games rather than freerolls and the Dollar Up. Maybe they do, but I can't say I have enough confidence in that to risk it.
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support I defence of Sporting Odds I would like to say that the following flop is the most fair and justified in the history of poker. Chis is at seat 2 with 1551.00 slideonlif is at seat 3 with 2154.00 danno2001 is at seat 5 with 3195.00 slideonlif posts the large blind 400.00 Chis posts the small blind 200.00 Chis: --, -- slideonlif: --, -- danno2001: Ks, Jd Pre-flop: danno2001: Raise 2000.00 Chis: All in slideonlif: Fold Showdown: Chis shows: Ac, 7c (high card, Ace) danno2001 shows: Ks, Jd (high card, King) Flop (Board: Kc, Kh, Kd): Turn (Board: Kc, Kh, Kd, Ah): River (Board: Kc, Kh, Kd, Ah, 5c): danno2001 shows: Ks, Jd (four of a kind, Kings) Mainpot: danno2001 wins the pot of 3902 with four of a kind, Kings

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Re: Sporting Odds Say "No" To Cheating Thread! WELLDONE PAL but i dont just think it is this site were the cheating goes on the william hill/interpoker/betfair sites r holding some cheats in the but ive never seen some of the plays that go on!! and im talking about the $1/$2 cash tables were they can make some money. A chinease man told me that he knows someone who as some kind of software that when the hole cards you are dealt thay know the flop as its happened to me 3 times im getting worried :@ ive had pkt KK raise to $10 pre flop called by a tight player flop comes 337 i bet he calls me to river and turns over j 3 off and takes me 4 about $200 and leaves the table something is fishy there!!!!:@

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support Sherry, I've moved your post here as the other thread is (hopefully) to persuade Sporting odds that at least PL members havehad enough of obvious collusion/cheating. If you use Sporting odds and agree please post your table nickname is the other thread.

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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support

Dear Mr. Higgins, I understand you are upset with the actions of the Hungarian players on SportingOdds.com. To aide us in resolving this situation please from now on pass to our Customer Service department the nickname of any potential offenders. We will then review each case, where they are guilty of not abiding by the English language rule they will have their chat function closed and where they are guilty of collusion they will have their account locked. I am sure with your forum's help we will resolve this issue shortly. Kind regards, Ben Walton Poker Room Manager SportingOdds.com
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Re: Anyone Who Plays on Sporting Odds I Need Your Support If they had been a bit more forthcoming last Monday they would have caught the culprits in the act, without us having to point the finger. Surely the problem has been highlighted and its up to them to monitor the situation, not for us to dob people in.

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