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figures you might find interesting


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Re: figures you might find interesting Weren't you backing short-priced away teams earlier in the season Osesame? How did it go? I have to say that IMO these figures prove nothing really - mostly very small sample sizes for each odds range, and of course there's nothing to say that the trend will continue (apart from the very short-priced matches due to the famed fav-longshot bias).

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Re: figures you might find interesting Was backing away faves under 1.8 for certain leagues .I checked a while ago and it was breaking even @average odds.Have not been backing them as funds were needed elsewhere. The table above shows a 5.7% yield for that range.

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Re: figures you might find interesting I am showing a 9.4% yeild over the last 2 months (45 bets) with a similar strategy. The only refinements that I have is that the selected team must have a good recent head to head record against their opponents and be currently above them in the league (although it is unlikely that they would be odds on away from home if they were lower).

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Re: figures you might find interesting The dip for 1.5-1.59 in the homes table comes as no surprise as a chap by the name of Gilward Kukel found the same for 3 seasons results about 3 years ago.The loss in the 1.4-1.49 could well be accounted for by the fact that this is all based on average odds i.e slightly lower than whichever bookie he used,and the losers mostly occurred in the 1.45 -1.49 range. The range 1.45-1.54 has a yield of -12% for 41bets

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