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**Poker Sunday 22nd January**


**Poker Sunday 22nd January**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 & 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 14:00 William Hill £500
    • 19:00 Poker4Ever $400 Freeroll
    • 19:00 PartyPoker $50,000 UK residents freeroll
    • 19:30 Sporting Odds Poker Challenge
    • 20:00 Betfred $1000 Winners Freerol1
    • 20:00 & 20:30 Daily Record WSOP seat Qualifier
    • 20:30 Betfred Premier League
    • 23:00 HoldemPoker $500 Freeroll
    • 23:30 Checknraise freeway to Vegas Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Sunday 22nd January**

Why is Canbet in red GaF? Something special about it?
Yes - sorry don't worry about it. With recurring tournaments, I put the last instance in my spreadsheet in Red so that I know that I have to "roll it out" again into the future - so it does have significance, but only for me ....... (I try and roll them out before I "publish" them so you don't see the red - but I haven't got round to doing this one yet.......)
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Re: **Poker Sunday 22nd January** Now in 2nd - tilting a guy with far more chips than me by beating his all-in with A5 (I had A4s and caught a 4 on the turn), then nearly wiping him out by calling an all-in from him next hand - he had QT, I had AQ, neither of us improved. He was NOT happy. :rollin

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Re: **Poker Sunday 22nd January** Out at 215 . Thanks Mr I for the chat . actually on that hand which i lose out . Initially , that particular guy raised . I also had 33 . But i folded . Turns out that there's a 3 in the flop . This time he raised , i seriously thought he had AK . the turning point was not that hand . Its actually another idiot . I'm pissed I pocketed 10K . That particular prick pocketed 37 spades Blinds are 50/100 . Flop came 8d 10sKs . Seeing that spades are dangerous , i raised big . 800 on the flop . trying to push him off . turn came 6h I see that no flush yet . I betted 2000 . He betted again ~ . river came a spade . Amazing isn't it ? If this was a live game , i would want to knock his front teeth out and tell him congrats u idiot . Comments on the particular play anyone ? He had more chips than me at the start of the hand though . He was the chip leader in the table and i'm 2nd . 9k + vs 8k +

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Re: **Poker Sunday 22nd January** Found RoyalVegasPoker.com from another thread in here and decided to have a go seeing as they give a free $10 to new accounts. Played my first tourney and hey presto I've just increased my PB for winnings! Only $15 but well pleased with the way I played. :nana rvp1st6tw.jpg

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Re: **Poker Sunday 22nd January**

Cheers guys' date=' and good luck Al - I missed reg for the safety net by 2 mins tonight, grrr![/quote'] Congrats & cheers mate. I'm currently 4th out of 6 with 80000ish in chips. Problem is the chip leader has nearly 600,000 :\ .
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Re: **Poker Sunday 22nd January** Just going in the check-n-raise, last night pockets Aces get raise allin .. Ace on the flop along with 5-6 he has pocket 4's i am 95% to win turn is a 3 i am 88% to win he hits the 2 on the river to say bye bye kev .. i better do well to tonight :ok

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