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Uk Football


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:dude A friend of mine has told me about this website. I have read some replies from people about the Martingale system, doubling up....call it what you like. Some of the replies have been rather insulting. To these people, I ask one question, 'Why do you gamble?' I earn an absolute fortune by using this system. Respect to the Irish guy who done a post a few weeks ago who everyone criticized. At least he's showing some spirit! The way I use this system to my benefit is only have one bet a week (weekend). Do exactly as I say. Get a few accounts with bookies. Say you start off with 50 quid, you lose that. You put on a hundred lose that then 200 and so on, till say £1600 pounds. Anyone can get a credit card for £3,500 squid. If you want a bit of this reply to my post. I will then read your previous posts and if I don't like your dismissive manner I simply won't allow you to be rich. Anyone who says there is no such thing as a 'system' should simply keep their lazy opinions to themselves.

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Re: Uk Football I've had a few letters through my door claiming to make me rich through betting. All come with testaments from people and copies of bank accounts showing loads of cash. Also the people who run these so called betting coups were all penniless when they started out but due to their massive success all own their homes, drive big cars, own property abroad and only work a few hours a week. Whilst there's money to be made from football I don't think any of these scams really are what they say they are. Mind you if you were to make a small bet and lose then make another and lose that then keep on making bets until you recouped yor original stake surely you would eventually pick a winner and end up where you started off.

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Re: Uk Football I agree this conversation is over, but not for the same reason. If someone wants to use Martingale staking then so be it. But it has been proven, again and again, that the risk of losing everything is so high it is a ludicrous staking manner. Therefore don't be surprised to get straight replies. By ignoring the high risk you are simply asking for strong replies.

I will then read your previous posts and if I don't like your dismissive manner I simply won't allow you to be rich.
This however is an attitude that is simply not welcome. End of conversation.
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