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**Poker Tuesday 17th January**


**Poker Tuesday 17th January**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily
    • 18:30 Virgin $50 Freeroll
    • 19:00 Sproting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:00 Poker4Ever $400 Freeroll
    • 19:30 Sporting Odds European Poker Tour
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 20:30 Betfred Premier League
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 17th January** playing in europoker . Funny round of games . IN 3 hands , i got KK QQ KK . First hand KK i went all -in . Someone with lower stack called . he had AJ . Flop came A 4 J . turn and river didn't help . 2nd hand QQ . Same person called my all in . he had KJ i think . QQ held up . 3rd hand KK again ! . Same person called once more . He had QJ . Guess what , flop came Q 4 J . i was gutted . Turn came a K which saved me . river didn't help him . What a run .

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 17th January** I haven't played too much in the last couple of weeks or so, apart from the dollar up and the odd other tournament, so i'm trying to get a decent night practise in before tomorrow night! Rubbish and out of the Sportingodds EPT Freeroll, so now in the Poker Room lucky dollar. Will probably also try the Sportingodds $10 tournament at 10pm.

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 17th January** Not finished for the night after all - spotted a $2 +0 entry for $4000 guaranteed with rebuys for the first hour. I was too late to register but when I was looking someone unregistered and I got in. The very good news is that if you register through Europoker you do not have to pay an entry fee!!:nana I assume that Poker Room have to pay!! This might be one for the diary GAF, freeroll for $4000, don't know how often its on though! p.s - I won't be paying any re-buy! Once I'm out I'm out! :dude

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 17th January**

Not finished for the night after all - spotted a $2 +0 entry for $4000 guaranteed with rebuys for the first hour. I was too late to register but when I was looking someone unregistered and I got in. The very good news is that if you register through Europoker you do not have to pay an entry fee!!:nana I assume that Poker Room have to pay!! This might be one for the diary GAF, freeroll for $4000, don't know how often its on though! p.s - I won't be paying any re-buy! Once I'm out I'm out! :dude
2.20am - I'm chip leader with $700,000 and 20 left but I'm off to my bed as alarm is set for 6am. Hopefully I can sneak in the top 6 for around $300!! :zzz
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 17th January** Cheers V & Newbie!!! :ok I would have loved to play on but the head was begining to roll about and I'm sure I'd have played some careless hands. :zzz It didn't help that I had Big Brother on and they were all in their beds snoring their heads off!! :lol This is a personal best for me in a MTT and I never got a screenshot! Any way you can find the results of Earlier MTT's on Europoker? :hope p.s Had 6 cups of coffee so far today - may need a wee kip before Dollar Up!

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 17th January** Nice one TQM :clap :clap Have checked the Europoker site and cannot find any reference to a free buy in for this, however, if you deposit, then you get a free tournament entry - have you deposited with them? I suspect this isn't a regular thing for everyone.......

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 17th January** GAF, you should know by now I don't deposit with anyone!! (SO and Mermaid are the only exceptions) The details appeared in a small window when I registered - wording was that if you were registering through Europoker then you did not have to pay the initial entry fee. Once i registered in a nano-second due to someone unregistering, this window no longer appeared! (hope that makes sense) Anyway, the first hour was manic with one lad at my table re-buying at least 10 times and everyone at my table bought an add-on apart from myself and 1 other. (I had $2960 at the time) It was limited to 1000 entrants and the prize pool came to over $5700!! :loon Too late at night for me though!!

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