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**Poker Friday 13th January**


**Poker Friday 13th January**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 20:30 Betfred Premier League
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas
    • 01:00 PartyPoker.net High Flier
    • 02:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas $1 + $1

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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January** doesn't look that many tourneys today. if anyone is interested 32redpoker have a late $320 friday freeroll tonight starting at 11.30 top 50 places paid and you can register now. there is around 570 entries so far with a max of 2000. bit late for me but maybe a few will have a go..

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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January** I'm playing the Betfred Celebrity Comeback MTQ - 26 entrants - top 5 go into the final. At the first break, I've literally folded my way into the last 8 - down to 865 chips - but these are the cards I've had in the first hour!!! I'm not sure if I've seen a flop!!! Hopefully things will turn round after the break - one chance to double up and I may be able to limp into the top 5 :loon Q6o T2o Q2o Q9o 95o 87o 85o QJo T8o 33 Q3s 85o T5s 32o 96o 85o 62s KQo 92s 54o K9o T5o Q6o Q6o 97o T6o 54o A6o T9o 98s 82s 64o 84s AJo A9o 75s 32o 86o 62o 43o 43o 32o 95s J4s T9o QJo K7o

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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January**

doesn't look that many tourneys today. if anyone is interested 32redpoker have a late $320 friday freeroll tonight starting at 11.30 top 50 places paid and you can register now. there is around 570 entries so far with a max of 2000. bit late for me but maybe a few will have a go..
Not a bad little tourney this. I played in it last week (eeking out a top 50 place for $1.12). Reached about 730 entrants so there is reasonable value there as well.
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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January**

I'm playing the Betfred Celebrity Comeback MTQ - 26 entrants - top 5 go into the final. At the first break, I've literally folded my way into the last 8 - down to 865 chips - but these are the cards I've had in the first hour!!! I'm not sure if I've seen a flop!!! Hopefully things will turn round after the break - one chance to double up and I may be able to limp into the top 5 :loon
:hope Good luck Gaf I managed to qualify for this one earlier in the week. First time I tried to qualify I had a similar game to yours, and couldn't hit a thing, the only flops I had was when I was on big blind!! I eventually went out on the final table in last paid place which was my stake back... Played it the next day and qualified. Hope you make it :)
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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January**

Played it the next day and qualified. Hope you make it :)
Out in 8th I'm afraid!!! Looks like you only need to win 1 or 2 big hands and you'll make it!!! Looks a good comp for tight players!! Will probably give it another go!!
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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January**

Out in 8th I'm afraid!!! Looks like you only need to win 1 or 2 big hands and you'll make it!!! Looks a good comp for tight players!! Will probably give it another go!!
Unlucky Gaf:sad Yes, I found that playing really tight got you through to the final table with not to much problem. I just waited for premium hands to play or saw free flops on the big blind and hit a couple of nice hands. You seem to get a few players who try to double/triple up very early, so you tend to get a quite a few early leavers - I left them to it for a few hands as there were all-ins all over the place.
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Friday 13th January** hey GaF, Cant believe i just folded the BB, would have had 2 pair as well, that will teach me to multi task:sad

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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January** Sat on the same table as Gazza in the Europoker ..... can't believe the way I went out.... My AKs v QJs (same suit!!) - I'm well ahead - Flop was xQJ - He's well ahead - Turn was 10 - I'm well ahead - River was a Q - I'm beat :sad Good luck Gazza

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Friday 13th January**

Sat on the same table as Gazza in the Europoker ..... can't believe the way I went out.... My AKs v QJs (same suit!!) - I'm well ahead - Flop was xQJ - He's well ahead - Turn was 10 - I'm well ahead - River was a Q - I'm beat :sad Good luck Gazza
Mate that was unbelievable, cant really say anything about it except unlucky mate
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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January** He called me a SOB after the turn as well - unfortunately no time to get any abuse back before my ejector seat button was pushed!!! Just to add as well - he put me all in pre flop!! Take him out please Gazza!!!!!

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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January** :wall Bloody Hungarians!! Playing In the Safety Net and got up to 3300. Got pocket KIngs, put in a small raise called by2. Flop comes 3 10 9 all diamonds giving me top pair and a flush draw. My little Magyar buddy bets 200 so i raise him to put him all in (1250) which he calls. The little shit shows JQ os and I allow myself a little grin........... Until the bastard flop comes Q K to make his straight an lose me a third of me stack. In the middle of my worst run ever and do NOT need that!!

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Re: **Poker Friday 13th January** I'm still in SO, 70th place at the mo. Got a teal twat called Apacuka on the table who is playing every single hand... and winning every single one with absolute junk. There is a serious sense of cheating - there is no way he could win so much with such crap hands. And now that he's got so many chips, everyone is scared of him.

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