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**Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm


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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Just had a 10 in hand on BB. Rain called BB, I checked. Flop came 9 10 10. I checked, Rain bet 900. I THEN PROCEEDED TO PRESS THE WRONG GODDAMN BUTTON AND FOLDED!!!!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm

AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Just had a 10 in hand on BB. Rain called BB, I checked. Flop came 9 10 10. I checked, Rain bet 900. I THEN PROCEEDED TO PRESS THE WRONG GODDAMN BUTTON AND FOLDED!!!!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it took so long to reply, but was stil laughing. :lol Ul, next time it'll be your turn.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm Been waiting for a monster hand all night, then it arrived like a shite in knining armour....2 7 off..... All in, the bugger called with K7 and hit his K. What sort of idiot calls with that rubbish, I mean come on!!!???? Good game all!! Let's have a PL winner.... DC

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm you lost all my chips I lent you?? :( :( :( shocking :tongue2 Damo

Been waiting for a monster hand all night, then it arrived like a shite in knining armour....2 7 off..... All in, the bugger called with K7 and hit his K. What sort of idiot calls with that rubbish, I mean come on!!!???? Good game all!! Let's have a PL winner.... DC
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm I'm barely awake, may sitout soon to try and scrape into the top 10! (If I do this, prob means I've fallen asleep - if I go all-in with 73o, my nose hit the keyboard!!)

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm u sure - u are raising LOADS of hands - hoping to double up before u have your kip? :rollin Damo :cheers

I'm barely awake' date=' may sitout soon to try and scrape into the top 10! (If I do this, prob means I've fallen asleep - if I go all-in with 73o, my nose hit the keyboard!!)[/quote']
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm first time ive managed to play this dollar up..i always forget. for a $1 game it had a very high standard mostly. i got a good placing but made a terrible mistake at the final 2 tables handing all my chips to higgs. anyway scraped the ft and 1st hand i seen an ace and with blinds in 2 goes it was time to go for glory and out to make a cuppa. gl to those still in

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm I agree with stevie. For a $1 game the standard was excellent. I just wish I could have had a couple more decent hands. Majority of the hands I won were bluffs. Finally got a few decent hands at the end. One hand got KQ, and as everyone was now playing tight, went all-in. Got called by 10 10. Oh well! Put me down to 1500 or so. Couple of hands later got Q10. Went all-in on Jaded's BB. He called with J3 and hit the 3. I can see the headline now... ThePro19 goes out in 19th place! One day I will reach a final table, if only I can get some goddamn playable cards and a little luck. The highlight (or lowlight in my case) was pressing the wrong button when I had hit trip 10's on the flop. Rain raised 900 and somehow the fold button moved over the top of the call button. A few hands later on another table, had AQ. With 4 callers of the BB and me on the button, decided to fold and sit the hand out. Guess what! Hit the call button my mistake. Went on to win the hand! Amazing. Standard of play on SO is brilliant. Shame the user interface isn't better.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm Only in the Dollar Up is the standard this high.So much value in it. Well 9th will do me final some cash of it after a 2 month lull. AJ i ragged against AK and i suppose AJ doing me in the end was fair.ANother good PL performance.Blue Wkd n green here i come.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm Busted out in 4th, top pair on flop ran into trip 3s. Nowt I can do about that. That safety hit EVERYTHING tonight. Never seen anything like it, especially when he bust my queens full of kings with quad queens:eek Well played all, another nice return for PL!!:nana:clap:clap

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm

thanks all for the laughs, chat, good luck and support tonite:ok sorry I couldn't make it a first Cheers Damo :cheers
Well played damo. I honestly believe it was just his night. He hit some unbelievable cards on every table I was with him.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm I agree matey - he took jadedj chips away with loose calls (tho JJ was playing loose :tongue2 ) hey ho - AI with a slighty better hand, but he hit the turn Tho at least the win has wiped out my losses since the weekend :) Cheers Damo :cheers

Well played damo. I honestly believe it was just his night. He hit some unbelievable cards on every table I was with him.
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