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**Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm


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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm gl - lol - bit late for that - raised pre flop with AA and was put all in by AK off - Happy enough with rag flop. Then he catches spade spade runners to make flush. Oh well, back to live games for the next couple of days. Good Luck All

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm Great night for me, disconnected 9.01, re-connected 9.29, second hand 9.31, all-in my AK v 1010, nothing came to my rescue. Out in 101st. Sorry Philossify and Heniek, never had a chance to say Hi.:(

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm

Hi GaF I couldn't find myself on the table above (SO name 'PigeonSlay') But not too bothered as I wouldn't be able to play 4 tournies this month anyway :ok
I'll add you anyway - you'll be in the next one :ok
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm UL MATEY - Cloud out next hand QQ vs KK falling like nine-pins Tho Danny has just sat in ur seat - don't know whether I should tell him.... Damo

holding AQ flopped QQx checked pokerkat raised 300 i went allin 835 x K pokerkat had KK 95th :(
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm well lucky for me against Fear with my 2pr vs his TP moved tables and have picked up another 1K! 99 2nd hand, AK next :) Damo

saw cloud go out - then redfear. Said hi to Danny just before that butsince he only has 1100 left, must be concentrating. Don't blame him with Laidback showing off like that
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm sorry George! Struggling now, literally waiting for the hand to go all in with. Been hovering above the bottom of the table all game.... :sad

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar UP MTT Leg 3** Monday 9th January 9pm and he just got it my AQ vs his AK - and he had just arrived at the table.... :) Damo

sorry George! Struggling now' date=' literally waiting for the hand to go all in with. Been hovering above the bottom of the table all game.... :sad[/quote']
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