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**Poker Saturday 7th January**


**Poker Saturday 7th January**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 14:00 William Hill $500 Freeroll
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily
    • 18:05 Ladbrokes $100,000 Raked Hands Freeroll
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 20:00 Bet 365 $5k Saturday Nights
    • 20:00 Betfred $500 Satellite Players Freeroll
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Saturday 7th January** I just played another $30 STT at SO, and won! $105 smashes my personal best (screenshot to follow), and puts me £47 up for the day - I make that £40 for the year so far. Anyone else venture into high-stakes STTs? Have been surprised at the level when playing $20/$30 on SO - don't seem much better than the low-stakes players tbh!

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Re: **Poker Saturday 7th January** Due to William Hills unreasonable insistence that I actually put money into their site I've invested my betonbet winnings in a $5 MTT. Despite a good start and staying in the top 20th (currently 10th) I am feeling unusually nervous, and I don't know why!?:unsure Does anyone else suffer from this, or am I just a wuss?

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Re: **Poker Saturday 7th January** Poker Pussy says:87 left - top 20 get paid and I'm 10th. The standard is pretty poor I think.

OMG you keep winning:eek :lol :clap
$4.95 in fact. :tongue2 I had to venture onto a limit cash table to try and win the extra 60c.:$
Why do you have to put money in? I've played the freeroll without depositing.
They have fed me some bullsh't about needing me to give my credit card details for age verification :\ , and I told them no. They then suggested I make a deposit (by other methods), so I told them to shove it.
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Re: **Poker Saturday 7th January** Have been meaning for a while to give the 9pm Poker Night Live tourney on Prima a go ($10 + $1) - at last I have an evening where I'm not in something else at 9pm (though I wish I was :sad) Anyone else? Is broadcast on the net as well (if you don't have Sky) - just searching out the link!!

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Re: **Poker Saturday 7th January** If you don't like the small screen in your browser (which can't be resived), then you can open the following link directly in Windows Media Player (and thus retain control!!) http://broadcast.global-mix.net/?m=gameintv&.wvx= Just saw an ad for the Sporting Odds Peoples Poker game as well - had Fenner in the background...... must be on soon!!! Ready for fame mate?

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Re: **Poker Saturday 7th January** I think Fenner is the first one from the Left. Snowqueen (Wife of Sheedy Freekick) is in it as well - can't see her though (I presume :loon) This was the Sporting Odds Peoples Poker Live Final - 6 freeroll winners (Fenner online - Snowqueen live) qualified for this final table! Another one running this month. :ok

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Re: **Poker Saturday 7th January** made a final stand (next hand would have been all in on the blind ) with K,5 spades - J,Qo pulled a J, I pulled a 5 but it was not to be.... Had I not played then I would have made final table as 3 players went out during those few seconds :loon:loon J,J about 10 hands earlier was what really burnt me when I went all in before the small blind and BB called with A,4 and caught an ace

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