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How would you have played this?


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Dealer: Starting a new hand (#619461668) Dealer: Starting a new hand (#619461668) Dealer: 2high posts Small Blind 30 Dealer: mcguirpa posts Big Blind 60 Dealer: Dealing cards Dealer: Your cards 5d Ah Dealer: IsmoGolf folds Dealer: lulunissa calls 60 Dealer: ciaran155 folds Dealer: matvid folds Dealer: nanougar folds Dealer: luvmyterv2 folds Dealer: 2high calls 30 Dealer: mcguirpa checks Dealer: Dealing Flop 7s Ks 5h Dealer: 2high checks Dealer: mcguirpa bets 60 Dealer: lulunissa calls 60 Dealer: 2high folds Dealer: Dealing Turn 7s Ks 5h As Dealer: mcguirpa checks Dealer: lulunissa bets 120 Dealer: mcguirpa raises 420 Dealer: lulunissa calls 300 Dealer: Dealing River 7s Ks 5h As Js Dealer: mcguirpa checks Dealer: lulunissa bets 720 Dealer: mcguirpa folds Dealer: lulunissa shows Two Pair Ac 5c Dealer: Winner is lulunissa with Two Pair 5h 5c Ks As Ac 1,860 Dealer: Winner is lulunissa with Two Pair 5h 5c Ks As Ac 1,860 To be honest I was gutted when she turned over A5, I would have bet exactly the same again (not sure if it was right though) but given that there were 4 spades on the table did I do right to fold to her final bet?

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Re: How would you have played this? Hmmmm .... assuming you could roughly cover the bet, then you had 12x BB, so could survive to fight another day - so fold has to be the right option, given the position you were in...... Could you have done any different? Not really - At the end I may well have put a moderate bet in to represent a spade - that could have got a fold or just a check out of my opponent - but depending on my opponent, I may well not have done (it's too easy to say I would, with the benefit of hindsight!!!).

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