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betfair grand prix freeroll password


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Re: betfair grand prix freeroll password My bad run continues!! On BB and short stacked with $500 - the button raises $300 and I re-raise all in, He calls and shows A 5 - I have 8 8 Flop is 939 :nana Turn 10 :nana River 10 :puke He wins with the Ace kicker!! :rollin :rollin :rollin Christ, I've even stayed off the drink today - not any longer though!! :gimme

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Re: betfair grand prix freeroll password :rollin :rollin :rollin Oh my. 1st hand my 10 10 bust AA, then I get moved..... 1st hand on new table some one puts in a 10x BB (which suggest small pair to me). I have AKo and go all in and the bugger calls. No help on the flop and I'm out (I think he had 99). :lol :lol :lol I'm still blaming the lag for any tilting.;)

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Re: betfair grand prix freeroll password

rippy: while you're on the break check out the poker forum at punterslounge.com rippy: good bunch of people and they occasionally have freerolls on betfair etc rippy: for active members rippy: always info on the best value tourneys around the net too Sicparvis: gl all great game see you around again thanx 4 that rippy check it out
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Now.................PL CHAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!!! :lol :hope
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Re: betfair grand prix freeroll password

well played rippy.:clap :clap .. amazing game guy called bait who said i need a hand soon" when the lowest stacked player at 11000 goes and wins it
Yeah, can't believe he came back to win it.. That's the madness of the final table I guess! I wish I'd been able to hold on a little longer - it's the first Grand Prix game I've played so the points aren't much use to me lol
Nice 10 on the turn to give rippy a full house against KKK
My 10's over Kings hand was quality.. can't believe how lucky really:lol Holding pocket tens, I opened the pot from mid-position with a 4xBB raise. I think there were two callers. The flop came K K x I acted first, and I decided to go all-in on a semi-bluff. I wanted them to either fold, or call with AQ/AJ thinking I have nothing too. The guy opposite me calls and to my despair turns over K6.. Just as it looks like my tourney is over, the turn brings a 10, giving me the full house. :nana Luckily the river didn't pair the board, his six, or bring another king and I survived what should have been game over.
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