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Punters Lounge Poker Performance


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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance I think that some of the members on her have a natural ability to play poker. Fenners win was fantastic- not been playing long.:notworthy GaF on the telly -:notworthy Seeing TQM and his successes on the MTT last month.:clap Slapdash doing so well that he sponsored the Heads UP tourney.:notworthy Mr V. improving all of the time with many small wins and now a few big ones.:ok Kevsul improving day by day :hope for the future. And I don't want to upset anyone by missing them out but there are so many....... If I were to play against most of you then I would be wary as i think that the standard of play here is good expecially as quite a few have not played for long but are getting some good results. Plus all are not afraid to ask for help or to question if they played a hand wrong in a tourney. As for myself I don't think that I would call myself an average player- i'm not that good yet - I get "married " to my hands too often -cannot bluff so rarely try- and have got to a final table on only 6 occasions if I have counted right. :( Total winnings of approx £125 since Mid August.

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance Wow. If ever there was a thorny issue........4_12_12.gif.......as 'competitive' rather than 'ring' players. First of all I'd say the collective spirit probably gives each other confidence, and that is (in my opinion) a major factor. I cannot stress enough how trying to learn from, even mimick the better players on here has helped my game. The way that the players on here have got to the money so often in whatever competitions they have entered suggest that the best players on here deserve to be tested at a higher level, but unfortunately poker is financially restrictive in this way. I honestly believe that the cream of PL could perhaps play in an EPT or even WPT/WSOP event without disgracing themselves. Then you have the learners these are what you may call the 'youth team' or 'academy' players. These players have shown that they can mix it with the better players (on PL) on occasion, and perhaps are either lacking in the confidence to take a step up, unless the opportunity falls in their lap. I am biased because this is the only poker circle (?-team/school/collective) I know, but I will be surprised if the massive success achieved this year isn't eclipsed over the next 12months. We have now got 4 PLers whose PB's are into the 10's of thousands ($'s or £'s), or very close, I think. Even without my bias thats pretty impressive for a bunch of 'amateurs'.

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance Will second all that, lot of very good players on here. Just how good is hard to say, need years of results to really judge that. But I agree with V that there's a significant section of players who wouldn't disgrace themself at almost any level. If I had to come up with a few names I'm majorly impressed by as tournament players - would pick TQM, GaF and Heniek. Not really too sure on cash players because I don't think I've ever really played a PLer in a ring game, but suspect laidback is pretty good, see him a lot on SO with a nice stack, but always run away and find another table as I'd prefer to take on the crazy Hungarians!

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance well - as I posted last night my 2 month tally is $418.70 from Freerolls only and although it does sound like a big tally to many, its not because im in any way a good player. I participate in almost every freeroll that i can and dont even play in many as id be working but sometimes (like last night on Betholdem) its possible to scrape into the places evn while not there!! :lol:lol So what did I do over the 2 months ??? Won the Safety net once, finished 3rd and 7th in that too......... Won the Booster at Blue sq once and finished in the money 7 times came 8th in the POKER.CO.UK freroll for $40 In the 2 months Ive been in the money 73 times but I know i should be better TBH. Im capable of being caught out on some amazing bad bluffs - went all in with 2,4 o to steal blinds in the safety not too long ago and was called by the lower stack with A,A - when the table saw that i tried to tighten up but the small stack had cut my chips by almost 60% and i ran outta time in the end. Usually in MTT'S i play very loosly and that cost me in the Betfair/PL freeroll as I was up against a different standard of player and it showed....... :sad:sad. That was a tremendous chance to boost my freeroll winnings and I blew it!! Punters Lounge has some real quality players here so thank fcuk most of them are on other tables when I log in :lol:lol:lol

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance i believe there are plenty of good players in PL here . ( I don't consider myself one though ) . But i believe my game has been improving ever since i took part here . (For instance , that 4k gurantee in prima i finished 3rd . Big surprise for me though ) If anyone wants to learn poker the fast way , i guess the logical thing would be to stick around in PL :welcome :welcome :welcome :welcome

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance I certainly think Punters Lounge poker performance (as measured in terms of money won versus money riisked) is well above average. This (I believe) is due to many factors..... in particular ....

  • Just joining and contributing to the topics that get on here often shows a general belief that time spent thinking about and discussing the game is cost effective. If you believe you need to improve then you probably will.
  • The identification of "good" value games to each other :ok - I know from personal experience that theres been many great sites and great games that I'd have never found without this site.
  • The support (through bad times and good times) that we offer to each other. I've rarely (if ever) seen anything other than goodhearted and good humoured banter on here. :clap

Long may this forum continue.....

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance I must heartily concur with the statements below - as a NEWBIE (3 days?) I haven't been made welcome like this is any other poker forum. makes such a difference when you are learning the game to have a few friendly people to chat to, rather than the usual..... "**** muppet, HAHAHAHA, serves you right for playing like shite" etc etc etc Thanks All for making me welcome :ok Cheers Damo

I certainly think Punters Lounge poker performance (as
  • Just joining and contributing to the topics that get on here often shows a general belief that time spent thinking about and discussing the game is cost effective. If you believe you need to improve then you probably will.
  • The identification of "good" value games to each other :ok - I know from personal experience that theres been many great sites and great games that I'd have never found without this site.
  • The support (through bad times and good times) that we offer to each other. I've rarely (if ever) seen anything other than goodhearted and good humoured banter on here. :clap

Long may this forum continue.....

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance Right, here we go, this forum has plenty of players than are better than average with a few players that are in the 'very impressive' bracket'. Up near the top are Fenner & Dano who have almost identical ways of playing which is very aggressive - certainly the most aggressive of anyone in this forum. Phil, Sheedy, Legend, Gazblades are round about the top for their consistency and I think a few more are not far behind. (Red_Fear, Valiant, Heniek, Stonecold, Pistonbroke,) Laidback would be included here but he is a far more dangerous cash player!! You then have the clowns like Brael, Sharpe & myself!! (We can play the game okay, but like to have a laugh along the way) Players to watch for the near future are Hayward, Big Andy, Big AL and one who could be really good - Mr Bubbles. Everyone else is still far better than than any Hungarian!! Top player in the forum though, by a mile is GAF - very, very solid and once he reaches a final table knows exactly what to do, his TV appearance has helped his game enormously!! There you go guys - hope I haven't upset anyone with my opinion! Happy New Year!!

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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance

Top player in the forum though' date=' by a mile is GAF - very, very solid and once he reaches a final table knows exactly what to do, his TV appearance has helped his game enormously!![/quote'] Cheers mate - you (and others) are very kind, but you are sooooooooooo wrong!!!!!!! There are many many better players here than me - I'm just more addicted than most - and if you play enough, then you'll hit lucky often enough. I think I have a good strategy, and am disciplined enough to (usually) play it - it is a tight, aggressive game - but when I need to loosen up, and "mix it up" (i.e. play poker, rather than wait for the cards that play themselves) I'm left badly wanting!!! There are many superb Poker players here - but I'm not amongst them - despite the superb results I have managed to achieve. And I think that is a good lesson for newbies as well - get a good TAG game going and you WILL have good results - then it is the time to work on the rest of your game (and that is where I am now!!!)
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Re: Punters Lounge Poker Performance How quickly people forget my Tourny win in Vegas :sad :sad Serious though the 1st person I thought of to play my Ferrari final place was gaf..Solid solid player who always knows how to play the cards delt him.. Fenners is a legand, Dano very good, Mr V goes from strength to strength, Henriek makes a much better player than cheerleader ALL TOGETHER NOW Chhhhaaaarrrrgggggeeeeeeeee...:nana The one thing I love about this forum is that when you do make it in a tourny you just know that 99% of PL's are watching you and willing you to win..Almost brings a tear to my eye but then again I have been drinking :beer Also must say a BIG thankyou to GAF for all the work he does in seting up everythin in the Poker forum :notworthy :notworthy Football-Tipper :cheers

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