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The Games People Play


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Morning All Just wondering what games people play - NL/PL, STT/MTT, Buy-in etc What's your favourite and why? I tend to play 3/5 STT on VC (rarely tho, only if my luck is poor at Sporting or the server is down.... :lol ) But my main site is sporting odds - where I play 3&5 Heads up, and 3, 5 & 10 stt both full and short tables I prefer STT to ring and MTT's because they suit my game - I am SHITE at money tables :puke I don't have the patience for them to grind out profits, where as I l can cope with the STT. I am playing more heads up to get a feel for proper play when on a STT and in that position - its a loooooooooooooooong learning curve! LOL Would be interesting to play fellow PL's on the sites - so give me a shout :) Cheers Damo

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Re: The Games People Play Short answer for a change. I generally download a new poker site to play in freerolls. If I like it I'll sort of hang around on there, if not I save it to make my desktop look 'interesting'. Once I've won some money somewhere I'll play low level STT's ($1/$2 up to $5 max.) during the day and MTT's and freerolls in th evening, although I've had a few goes in the HU MTT's on SO.:ok I too am awful at ring games.:$ I like Betfred because that was my first site, but I've found I'm 'spreading my wings' a bit more now.

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Re: The Games People Play I mostly play the MTT's here - they seem enought to fill my Evenings!!!! Am currently playing a $1 STT at Betfair which is my first in ages...... I used to play Ladbrokes Ladders a lot, but haven't been in there in a while. Cash Games, I did really well on SO games, but experimenting recently with poker Tracker (which doesn't work at SO) and SO server problems have kept me away. Now I play my cash games on Prima - mostly Bet365 and NordicBet. I make a small profit, but not enough to really keep me interested, and only play them when I have bonuses to clear. It's strange - Cash games at SO ($0.10/$0.05) I clean up on, but on Prima ($0.10/$0.05) I pretty much struggle through to a small profit.

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Re: The Games People Play I'm not sure what category I have fell into yet. I think it's a good thing to mix it up a bit because you can benefit your general game by taking things from the different types of game. For example playing STT's are great experience for final tables when playing an MTT. An MTT is good for the start of an STT game because it teaches you how to tighten up and gain a place in the money. And heads up money tables are obviously great experience for both STT's and MTT's. Iv'e been through them all, started off like many do niavely playing in ring games when i barely had a grasp of the basics, a sharks dream. Then I discovered STT's and had relatively good results so gave up on the ring games and continued with STT's for quite a while. Until finally I found this site and have been gripped by freeroll MTT's ever since. Who says you can't get things for free? Like Valiant I'll probably go back to an STT now and then when I have some dollars to burn after an MTT win. I'm not a fully fleged multi-talbler yet but I am heading that way. :beer

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Re: The Games People Play I generally stick to shorthanded STT's, and a few cheap/freeroll MTT's. Sporting Odds 5 seaters are probably my favourites, do quite well on $3 and $5 tables there. Prefer shorthanded to full games because there's more of a chance to steal blinds! :lol Like GaF?, I also play the Ladbrokes Ladders sometimes, and have done ok on them (although not okay enough to win any money yet, but a fair few games for my original outlay, at least!)

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Re: The Games People Play I mainly play MTT's. Ones that usually cost $0 - 5$. I mainly focus on the Laddies, Paradise & Golden Palace (nice 60c tourneys) sites. Sometimes I venture over to Pokerstars for a tourney as well. I also try to play as many freerolls as possible as I find I always learn something, even if it is only to label some idiots up as the muppets they are.

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