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Avoiding Rake?


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Played the following hand on Bet365 $0.10/$0.05 cash tables. Myself and my opponent came in for some stick from one of the other players for playing the hand in a way just as to generate more rake for the house. Is he right? Surely not? Everything I know says, if you have the nuts, you bet it!! Should I have called instaid of raised, so as to avoid rake?

** Game ID 628252028 starting - 2005-12-29 10:43:20 ** Gleem Beam [Hold 'em] (0.05|0.10 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - Elbimbo sitting in seat 1 with $11.45 - tomni sitting in seat 2 with $10.45 - shedda sitting in seat 3 with $9.20 - Telepe sitting in seat 4 with $9.45 - calle_2k sitting in seat 5 with $9.15 - Aimalione sitting in seat 6 with $9.15 [Dealer] - gxn0910 sitting in seat 7 with $1.85 - psimorph sitting in seat 8 with $28.12 - DaBruns sitting in seat 9 with $10.00 [sitting out] - james805 sitting in seat 10 with $69.65 gxn0910 posted the small blind - $0.05 psimorph posted the big blind - $0.10 ** Dealing card to Telepe: 10 of Clubs, King of Clubs james805 called - $0.10 Elbimbo called - $0.10 tomni folded shedda folded Telepe called - $0.10 calle_2k folded Aimalione folded gxn0910 called - $0.10 psimorph checked ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Spades, Queen of Spades, Jack of Clubs gxn0910 checked psimorph checked james805 checked Elbimbo bet - $0.30 Telepe raised - $0.90 gxn0910 folded psimorph folded james805 folded Elbimbo called - $0.90 ** Dealing the turn: 6 of Diamonds Elbimbo checked Telepe bet - $1.60 Elbimbo raised - $3.20 Telepe raised - $6.40 Elbimbo raised - $9.60 Telepe went all-in - $2.05 Elbimbo shows: 10 of Hearts, King of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 7 of Diamonds Elbimbo wins $9.45 from the main pot Telepe wins $9.45 from the main pot End of game 628252028
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Re: Avoiding Rake? Yeah - his comments, in themself, don't bother me - more coming from the perspective - are there things we can (and should) do to minimise the rake we pay - I've seen similar comments a number of times. This guy also has $78 (maximum buy in is $10) - so I tend to think he probably has a fair idea what he's doing!!

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Re: Avoiding Rake?

Should I have called instaid of raised' date=' so as to avoid rake?[/quote'] I don't understand how he could possibly criticise.:unsure How do you 'avoid' a rake when you have a good hand? Perhaps when it gets to the river instead of paying to see each others cards you should just type it into the chat box. The guy may know what he's doing but I wonder if he would have refused an opportunity to get the maximum payout from the nuts. Sounds to me like the guy would be better suited to playing limit cash tables. Do people really play ring games and then gripe when the house takes a rake? Seems completely daft to me. The only ways I can think of restricting the rake you pay to the house are by either playing limit or STT's.
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Re: Avoiding Rake? I got a bit of stick for the same reason last week. Holding a straight, I went in heavy to test those still in the hand and, to my surprise, 2 others called. When the hand finished (I lost btb!) someone called us 'idiots' for giving the house more cash. :\ To me, that's what 'the house' is there for... to make money and my actions earn them that. I want to maximise my return when holding a decent hand so I ain't gonna complain when I take down a nice pot and the provider makes a few bob from the rake! If those who don't want the house making money then they simply shouldn't be playing! :spank

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Re: Avoiding Rake? Its complete Bollox to critise anybody for getting the max for their hand Id take it as someone trying to put me on TILT and just ignore their crap and promptly fleece the fcukers when the time comes Bet you these guys have no worries like that when it comes to using their raked hands for entry to freerolls etc or for claiming bonuses Ignore them - as Football-tipper says...........

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Re: Avoiding Rake? That's the most ridiculous criticism I ever heard, you did nothing wrong! If there was a royal flush on the board or KKKKA or something silly like that, where there was zero possibility that anyone could lose the pot, then they'd have a point. But if there's even the smallest possibility that your opponent could play you with worse cards then you should reraise the nuts til your fingers drop off. Considering you needed two specific hole cards to have the nut straight here, of course you should bet it!! Edit: And the rake is capped anyway

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Re: Avoiding Rake? Ok - cheers guys - you've confirmed what I thought - hoped. I think Mr I is right in that this guy was saying we should have known we both had the same hand, however as Guesswest says, if there's any chance my opponent had a worse hand, I needed to play it aggressively - and there was - he may well have had pocket aces (giving trip aces) - or worse....... Cheers guys :ok

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Re: Avoiding Rake? Got to agree there - have pushed with the nuts and had people call with 2 pr etc - specially on a broadway baord as people will play any 2 face cards (or one sometimes :loon :loon :loon ) and we all know that they can't help themselves with Ace small and just wont let it go.. :lol :lol :lol Cheers Damo

Ok - cheers guys - you've confirmed what I thought - hoped. I think Mr I is right in that this guy was saying we should have known we both had the same hand, however as Guesswest says, if there's any chance my opponent had a worse hand, I needed to play it aggressively - and there was - he may well have had pocket aces (giving trip aces) - or worse....... Cheers guys :ok
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Re: Avoiding Rake? crikey frisky - getting excited there.... :nana anyhoo - even MORE reason to sove your money in - make the flusher pay for drawing can't be doing with letting people beat me for free Damo

at the point your hands WERE NOT THE SAME. If he had K,10 of SPADES or YOU for that matter and a spade hit the river then .............????? Nobody knew and the flush draw WAS on!!!
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Re: Avoiding Rake?

Edit: And the rake is capped anyway
Yes, I just checked on the Bet365 web site, and it looks as though at these limits the rake doesn't increase after the pot reaches $5. So once you'd bet $1.60 on the turn, you were going to pay the maximum rake whatever happened (unless he folded), and nothing that happened after that increased the rake.
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Re: Avoiding Rake?

Played the following hand on Bet365 $0.10/$0.05 cash tables. Myself and my opponent came in for some stick from one of the other players for playing the hand in a way just as to generate more rake for the house. Is he right? Surely not? Everything I know says' date=' if you have the nuts, you bet it!! Should I have called instaid of raised, so as to avoid rake?[/quote']Playing cash games there are occasions when its obvious that there is going to be a split pot when you should just call ( usually when betting on the river) ....................... But in this case although you may suspect he has KT its not certain that he does have it .......... especially since you are playing at 0.05/0.10 ................... at those limits some people would play that way with 2 pairs or 3 of a kind............................ as Slapdash pointed the rake was maxed out already..................... so bollocks to them .......................keep playing your own game. :ok
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Re: Avoiding Rake?

Playing cash games there are occasions when its obvious that there is going to be a split pot when you should just call ( usually when betting on the river) ....................... But in this case although you may suspect he has KT its not certain that he does have it .......... especially since you are playing at 0.05/0.10 ................... at those limits some people would play that way with 2 pairs or 3 of a kind............................ as Slapdash pointed the rake was maxed out already..................... so bollocks to them .......................keep playing your own game. :ok
Blimey lbb. I know you're the 'slow typing punter', but when exactly did you start your reply? 5 minutes after the thread was opened?:unsure :lol
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