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**Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm

The Quiet Man

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm Out in 13th place to a Royal Flush so no complaints there although I didn't realise what the guy was holding at first! Can't complain... had an exceptional bad beat earlier (see bad beat thread!) and hit an absolutely incredible run that saw me go from holding 500 to 7750 in a matter of hands.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm

That was some hand to go out to Brael:loon
Not half... I thought he had just hit flush initially then it dawned on me what he was holding... the first time I've ever seen one... the next time I see it I hope it's me holding it!! :lol
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm Decent night for us again. The cloud 2nd, Pistnbroke 4th and me 6th. Bit disapointed not to finish higher. Ran into some good hands but I'd had my fair share of luck so I can't complain:) Think we got a new member or 2 too:ok

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm 2nd - first time in the money for me :nana :nana :nana :nana . I've had a few bad beats recently - but boy did I get some luck tonight - 3 times all-in and behind but sneeked through each time. Sorry I wasn't very chatty but had three other tables going. I'm in the money, i'm in the money!!!

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm Can someone explain what all this is about please? thanks Damo (BTW I deleted the big table thingy)

Interesting climax? TQM has a definite advantage - with a 25 points to lose, whilst Phil has a 70 pointer to lose, but with just 4 points in it, certainly all to play for!!!! Sheedy is only a further 7 points
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm we use the dollar up as a competition, points are awarded on your finishing position and your overall points are an average of your best 4 finishes in the month (8 tourneys). TQM, phil and sheedy were all in with a shout of coming first overall after tonights tourney (the last of the month).

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm thanks Paul Damo

we use the dollar up as a competition, points are awarded on your finishing position and your overall points are an average of your best 4 finishes in the month (8 tourneys). TQM, phil and sheedy were all in with a shout of coming first overall after tonights tourney (the last of the month).
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm I think it's a great achievement for us to finish with an average of over $200 per tourney. By my reckoning we've taken over a third of all the available prize money between us whilst having just over a 5th of the entrants, thats good going in anyones book. Fantastic effort everyone:clap

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm

Now to the Serious business!!!! Congratulations to TQM on his third consecutive Monthly MTT Tourney win!!! I thought it was a phenomenal achievement when Philossify retained his title, but never imagined his record would be beat so quickly!!! Well, what can I say? I keep repeating that I'm lucky but that's what I am!! :ok Very fortunate to get a flying start and despite not being very good for the last few tournies, I had enough points to scrape through. Well done to Phil, Sheedy and my brother Paul for getting averages over 100!! :loon Well done to the guys that reached the final table table tonight, all from lower down the table to back up my point about anyone on PL being able to win as the standard is so high!! :clap Finally, thanks to GAF for making this poker section what it is - what a guy!!! :notworthy I'll be trying for 4 in a row, but I'll need to continue being lucky - good game everyone.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm Congratulations to TQM well done mate :clap Unfortunately the last 2 Dollar Up tourneys were on when Everton were on TV so didnt play Monday night and I was watching the Mersey derby last night so only played one hand just after the break - my all in 88 called by 33, 3 on the flop! A great night for me & Everton - NOT! Roll on 2006...

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 8** Wed 28 Dec 9pm

Congratulations to TQM well done mate :clap Unfortunately the last 2 Dollar Up tourneys were on when Everton were on TV so didnt play Monday night and I was watching the Mersey derby last night so only played one hand just after the break - my all in 88 called by 33, 3 on the flop! A great night for me & Everton - NOT! Roll on 2006...
Ouch mate you would have enjoyed the poker more.:tongue2
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