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**Poker Tueday 27th December**


**Poker Tueday 27th December**  

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    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 17:00 Europoker Daily Freeroll
    • 17:30 Expekt $3000 Freeroll
    • 18:00 PokerRoom.com Team PL League game
    • 18:45 Laddies Christmas Cruise Cracker
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Paddy Power $10,000 Freeroll
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas Freeroll

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Re: **Poker Tueday 27th December** GAF, Are we the same person? - I will not be critical of Mr B because reaching the last 27 was a fantastic, brilliant, great effort!!! :clap :clap :clap :clap But, and I did try to give him a little nudge when he was on $120,000 :loon , (turn the screw Mr B) when you reach the money stage you have to be AGGRESSIVE - honestly you will get nowhere if you're not. (unless you're very lucky) Having said that, it's the easiest game in the world when you're watching and it takes a lot of nerve to raise when 9 3 off suit is in front of you. :dude Last table in Dollar Up last night Mr B - Great performance tonight, ignore us jealous peasants!! :ok :ok :ok

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Re: **Poker Tueday 27th December** Well I played the 02:30 Checknraise freeway to vegas - there were 27 players in ($50 added) - and it was a rebuy ......... strange tactics - it was tight for the first 55 minutes, then for the last 5 minutes of the rebuy period, became all in mania - then after the rebuy finished, went back to tight again. I did rebuy twice, and I added on to give myself a slightly above average chip count, rather than slightly below average ........ it was worth it as I ran out winner!!!! Puts me straight into 33rd on the leaderboard!! That pretty much guarantees me a place in a freeroll for a WSOP seat I think!!! Question is, which freeroll do I want to be in? Am in Freeroll 2 at the moment - that is 25 players after a $2000 WSOP Seat (and $1000 expenses). Freeroll 1 is 25 players after a $5000 seat with $1000 expenses. Freeroll 3 is 50 Players after one of 3 $1000 WSOP seats and $500 expenses. Freeroll 3 offers the greatest chance (and you would imagine the poorer players) - do I go for glory in Freeroll 1, or go for biggest expected return in Freeroll 3? http://www.checknraisepoker.com/promos/2005-11-15_FtV_leaderboard.php

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Re: **Poker Tueday 27th December** Well played GAF got tired just before the event so went to bed as work commintments today again.. But off till 2nd after tonight....i Had K J suited last night doubled up first hand at check n raise.. 2pair against AA. Then get knocked out with same hand but A on river for oppenent to beat me again all.in or 2600 down to last 60 at that stage. so would have been in top 30.... I think that check and raise are mostly good players in it not just people throwing the hands open to all,in's but got till march to make that leader board G/L ALL... Kev

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Re: **Poker Tueday 27th December** In hindsight I agree with you, however if I had played it and lost I would be thinking why the hell did i play that and not wait for something better to come along. But all experience in the end and I hopefully will learn from it. After it got down to the last 27 my cards did simply dry up (I think K-9 was my best hand I had recieved for the for the last 20 or so) so figured/hoped it was due to change soon, perhaps It would be been the correct choice if i was down to the last 10 as the prizes increased at no 9 but until that play against me I don't remember the chap who went all in against me playing to many hands. All in all was lucky just to make the cash so can't complain.

Well played mate!!! Easy to say after the event - but I disagree with your decision on K9 (and this isn't to criticise, rather to try and start a debate - cos it is a tough one) Blinds are 15k / 30k 7 live players (I think :unsure) You are in position for $150, and that isn't going to go up any time very soon Button has 71k You have 75K, but put 30k into big blind leaving 45k Everyone folds to Button who goes all in SB folds You to play - what do you do? For me, you have to make your stand here - with almost any cards - but K9 is a bonus!!! You are not going to increase your money without winning another hand. If you don't play this, then it is certain you will be called for any bet you make in subsequent hands, as you will be short stacked. Your pot odds - 41k into a pot of 116k - you have the odds to call with almost any hand - and for me, K9 is a bonus against another player (who was in prime position to try and steal, so not necessarily strong!!) What do others think?
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