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Online Poker Cheating


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I had an email recently - a poker newsletter from a poker site - telling people how to cheat. They then defended their editorial by saying that they were doing it so that you can recognise the cheats. That may be so, but how many more cheats are they actually starting off. Do you know of any cheats? I think they should be named and shamed... and avoided. However, please make sure you have proof of some sort, not just an opinion - we don't want to get into any trouble now, do we! I reckon I have come across tons of them, but unfortunately, as yet, no proof. But when you see what hands they go all-in with sometimes, particularly when they've called your pocket aces all-in raise with 83o and hit another 2 8's, you've just got to suspect something. If you are sure of any cheats, name them and the site so that they can be avoided by those of us who are here to play legitimate poker.

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Re: Online Poker Cheating I think phillossify mentioned juiced cards recently. I hadn't got a clue what it meant, but having done a search on the net, I'm very surprised they even allow players to wear sunglasses in the WSOP considering the sums of money involved. In a private game, which is presumably nowhere near as well policed, I have no idea how you would spot a potential cheat.

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Re: Online Poker Cheating I'm with Mr I on this - don't think theres any way that the software is beatable so that someone can stay with trash knowing whats coming up. Absolutley convinced any software which promises to show you your opponents cards or future cards is a scam. However, I suspect that theres "gangs" who might play on high value no limit ring games and give themselves the extra few percent (and maybe more) by being in phone contact with each other (or even in the same room) and also manipulating the betting - just like theres gangs in face to face poker. Only play face to face poker with people you don't know for money that you can lose and still smile Also theres people out there with software aids that give them an extra few percent advantage - brings some people up to the standard of the mathematicians and memory men who can do it without a computer. Online poker is mainly a game of skill and observation with the added interest that luck (or statistics) occasionally interfers and bends the result towards the less skillful player. This is why its such a successful game. Even a player lacking in skill can have a lucky streak and get "value" and cheap entertainment from a game that overall they lose money at. Hopefully myself and yourself (having developed our skill) pocket some of that money. :hope :hope :hope I think I read somewhere that only 4% of people playing online poker actually come out ahead.

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