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Tikays Tournament - Sporting Odds


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Been lurking a while, but thought I would pop up to say a big thanks to all on the poker forum. Been getting plenty of advice and had a nice little result in Tikays Tournament last night with tips etc. from here, especially Gotafancys recently posted MTT strategy. Thanks once again and keep up the good work :clap

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Re: Tikays Tournament - Sporting Odds :welcome to the Lounge Boothby - glad you've been enjoying it and glad you've been finding some useful things here. Just had a look, and see you've finished 3rd for $246.25 - a nice result!!!! :clap :clap Worries me a little that you consider what I posted as a "strategy guide" - it wasn't intended as a "this is how you should play it" - rather it was to try and open a debate - it was a "this is how I try and play it" - but I want to evolve my strategy, and hopefully help others evolve their strategies. I've only been playing poker for about 6 months and wouldn't claim to have the answers for others - but together I think/hope we can find some answers!!!!

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Re: Tikays Tournament - Sporting Odds Cheers Gota, it was more the following strategy: Late. This is where my game needs to change. The blinds are now big (and worth winning) - and painful if I don't. Critical to my game here is the "gap" - it is a lot harder to call an all in than it is to make one. So if I have position, have no significant action before me, and believe I can win the blinds without a showdown, I will click "all in" ALMOST regardless of the cards I hold. Critical here is to win blinds without a showdown. This can be done easiest against "average" stacks. Smaller stacks have to make a stand at some point, and larger stacks can afford to gamble a bit. If I have an average stack, then other average stacks can only call if they are prepared to risk their entire tournament (and usually they won't!!). So what action there is before me, and who is left to act (and their stack size) is critical!! At this stage it is pre flop "All in" or fold for me. I have tended to get pretty defensive late on in games and try to limp in to the money and then keep limping as far as possible. After reading your post I decided to be more aggresive late which allowed me to build a pretty good stack to take to the final table, so this gets my vote so far as a strategy but as you say i'm sure there's plenty to work on and i'll keep reporting back and see if I can be of any help.

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Re: Tikays Tournament - Sporting Odds Well done fella.Had to check then if you were the one that knocked me out when i was flying but you weren't.So a big:welcome then and nice goin.See the winner got the $100 dollar bounty as Tikay finished 2nd. Wahhh i had him at one stage.

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Re: Tikays Tournament - Sporting Odds Hi Sharpe1ne, glad it wasn't me, i nearly had that Tikay as well, it was chasing him in the final 3 that blew my chip lead but still good value tourney. 3 players left I had Ace, small kicker in about 4 hands out of 8 hands, problem was he twice had AK and once QQ. :cry

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