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**Poker Tuesday 20th December**


**Poker Tuesday 20th December**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 17:00 Europoker $500 Freeroll
    • 17:30 Expekt $3000 Freeroll
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 20:00 Virgin Poker Player League - Leg 2
    • 23:30 Checknraise Freeway to Vegas
    • 01:00 Paradise Poker Gift Tree
    • 01:00 PartyPoker.net High Flier

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 20th December** Being off school is great. I haven't played in a poker.com freeroll for ages but I'm in the one which starts in 10mins. I won't be able to play in any tourneys tonight as I'm going to a casino to play in a live Pot Limit game that msaban has entered a few times. Wish me luck :hope .

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 20th December**

FFS Mr V - you sacrificed 4 hours kip for 3 quid!!! :loon :loon :loon (I take it there was NFL on the box)
See thats the difference between you and me - it's never about the money, man!352v.gif (Way I play it's a bloody good job):lol I doubled up pretty early on and didn't really look back - I lost 3 hands after the river all night until very late on. I would have probably done a little better but I kept hearing TQM in an Obi Wan stylee saying, "Patience, take it easy......". So fecking patient I got blinded out. But thank you for your encouragement.:ok Oh and NFL was on and I was busy gassing.:$ Anyway I'm off to Greenwich Power Station today - see you later guys.
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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Tuesday 20th December** Hey folks, Sorry not been on at all tonight,busy day at work and at 6pm get a phone call from the missus saying she's just been robbed of her phone by 5 little slags (gonna start a thread on general chat), been dealing with Kent police all night. Hope you have had/having a profitable evening:hope

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 20th December**

Hey folks, Sorry not been on at all tonight,busy day at work and at 6pm get a phone call from the missus saying she's just been robbed of her phone by 5 little slags (gonna start a thread on general chat), been dealing with Kent police all night. Hope you have had/having a profitable evening:hope
What a bugger... my missus had hers nicked on the London Underground when we were down for The Sun Final. The b*****d took it straight from her handbag without us noticing. Sorry to hear about this gaz... :sad
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