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Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 6


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Game #1102045884: Hold'em NL (10/20) - 2005/12/17 - 20:34:09 (BST) Table "Punters Lounge 1433392 - 2" Seat 7 is the button. Seat 1: heniek (1385 in chips) Seat 2: wpr1 (1460 in chips) Seat 3: pistnbust sits out Seat 4: rippy (1470 in chips) Seat 5: jmac (1520 in chips) Seat 6: Telepe (1555 in chips) Seat 7: SlyPort sits out Seat 8: lynn (1600 in chips) Seat 9: thenuts1 (1540 in chips) Seat 10: friskyfit (1530 in chips) lynn: posts small blind 10 thenuts1: posts big blind 20 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Telepe [Ks 3s] friskyfit: folds heniek: folds wpr1: folds pistnbust: folds pistnbust sits back rippy: raises to 40 jmac: folds Telepe: folds SlyPort: folds SlyPort sits back lynn: folds thenuts1: calls 20 ----- FLOP ----- [4s 9d Ts] thenuts1: checks rippy: checks ----- TURN ----- [4s 9d Ts][9s] thenuts1: checks rippy: bets 200 thenuts1: folds Returned uncalled bets 200 to rippy ----- SHOW DOWN ----- rippy: shows [Ad Ah] (Two Pairs, Aces and Nines, Ten high) rippy collects 90 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 90 Main pot 90 Rake 0 Board [4s 9d Ts 9s] Seat 1: heniek folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: wpr1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: pistnbust folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: rippy showed [Ad Ah] and won (90) with Two Pairs, Aces and Nines, Ten high Seat 5: jmac folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Telepe folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: SlyPort (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: lynn (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: thenuts1 (big blind) folded on the Turn Seat 10: friskyfit folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS****
10 players - 2 sitouts - 8 active players I am dealt K3s 1 off the button. Not a hand I would get involved with. PreFlop First 4 players fold Rippy, holding AA, puts a minimum raise in Next 4 players fold thenuts1 (StoneColdNuts) on the BB, calls the bet Flop 4s 9d Ts Stone cold nuts checks Rippy slow plays his Aces and checks I don't like slow playing of aces - he is giving a free card away and could face a dangerous turn giving possible straights or flushes. Rippy desperately wants some action, but this shouldn't be at the risk of letting your opponent hit a better hand. Turn 9s stone Cold Nuts checks Rippy raises just over 2x pot (200 into a 90 pot) stone cold nuts folds The community cards seem to have scared Rippy, pushing him to overbet his hand (in an attempt to make his opponent pay for the draw if he had a spade). It looks like Rippy was always going to have trouble getting action with his rockets, but slow playing them was dangerous. He was looking like winning a small pot or losing a big one - IMO he should have put his bet in post flop, even if it meant losing some action. At that stage he no longer had a monster - "just" an overpair. The bet of Rippy pre flop is less than I would do as well - I would look to go at least 3x BB, even at the expense of action. The table was looking pretty tight at this stage, but you can't be trying to generate action by giving away free/cheap cards to your opponents!! C'mon guys - I'm being nasty here ;) Tell me why your play was right and I'm wrong!!!
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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 6 You did pretty much sum it up GaF.. :\ Re the small raise pre-flop: I almost limped in to be honest. The table was ludicrously tight, I knew a 3/4xBB raise would force everyone out - I just put as much as I thought would get a few callers, to build the pot I was favourite to win. After the flop: With only one player still in, I wanted to try milk the hand for what I could, hence the check. It was silly to let him hit a free card, but at this point my logic was that the pot was so small, if he made a hand, fair play, let him take the chips. On the turn: I overbet because it became clear the only action I was gonna see was if he really did make a big hand - I wanted to end the hand there and then so I didn't make any more of a mess of my aces. All in all pretty shabby play :puke I find it really tricky to play on a table that's so tight you can't raise properly pre-flop.

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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 6

I find it really tricky to play on a table that's so tight you can't raise properly pre-flop.
Conventional wisdom is to play the opposite to the table - so if you're on a tight table, it pays to be loose. I can't loosen up though, cos when I do I bawls it up and get myself into trouble!!!!
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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 6 GaF: I play A suited and often play K suited so for 40 I'd have stayed in. Rippy: with 2 spades on the board I'd have bet 100 thinking the blinds will do, and assuming you are still slow playing and only call - and I now see the turn - I take any action I can get before and after the river. A reraise by you after the flop and I'm not sure - depends how large. Risky, novice type play I'm sure but it's early and I like to test the water.

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Re: Betfair PL Freeroll - Hand 6 I'm getting better but I still have a problem dwelling on hands I would have won if I'd stuck with it, when what I should be doing is concentrating on the new hand starting. So all power to you if you hadn't noticed the missed flush. Note to self ...... concentrate on the hands you can have an influence on and not those that are dead and buried and you can do nothing about.

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