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Poker Room Team tournaments


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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

GAF, Would likely only be able to play 1 of those. Why not get the team set up and we play when we can, rather then trying to get us all playing at the same time?
Hmmmm...... might have to go down that route - concern is if we end up short for any games....... with 5 playing and a squad of 10, we need 50% there for each game......spose we might be ok ...... lets give it a go, and see what happens ....... we have 6 in at the moment - I'll just accept the next 4 applications - first come first served!!!! Still aiming for the 27th to get under way ...... We'll work out some form of "relegation" as well to give those that don't get in a chance.....
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

Well I'll stick my name down so and stick some money inot the team. Soon as this crappy ISDN line downloads it :)
Yeah - that's going to be my next problem - I still cannot transfer from my private finance (I now have $50 from Neteller in pokerroom!!) to the team wallet - and their 24/7 team have still not responded to the problem!!!!
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

Gah' date=' this is terrible, cos I'm abroad and not at my home address it's not letting me sign up! Have to wwait till I get home in Jan :( Bloody useless system![/quote'] You don't need to wait - it's getting everyone's country wrong!!! It thinks I'm in South Africa ..... If you email them, they'll set your account up manually (but they will proabably ask for a scan of your Driving licence!!)
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments just read all this GAF.. I do remember you starting this sometime ago because me and newbie offered services... Well i am up for this but unfortunately i am working today also 27th 28th. but then off till 2nd as i always work from 1.15 till 10.15 put hour either side for travel.. like 3 on 4 off but can pm u my timetable so u know as to when i can play if needed... ALSO looking at how the money works out %wise.. I just dont understand it ... will it also make a difference to the team as i am just a learner at the moment albeit getting better i think... i will check back here later ok thanks kev..G/L BTW

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Kev - you're more than welcome to join us!! There will be a "skill" element to it - with the idea being to have "relegation" from the team if we have enough interest - but you've been improving VERY fast and you're been having some good results - you might just surprise yourself (and us!!) Regarding this - still no new events listed to start tonight ...... so I'm going to postpone this again. Now I'm going to wait till the new year, and not propose a date till I'm pretty certain we can make one!!!!!! My team wallet problem has still not been resolved, though I have had a mail from PokerRoom confirming that their tech bods are examining it!!!

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments For those of us who've signed up, and deposited money, with Poker Room it's worth noting that you get tokens to play in some of their tournaments you'd usually have to pay for. I've found that I have a token to play in their 'Shark Cage' game. By some quirk of the Poker Gods, the token expires tonight and the tournament starts at 03:00! Now if I could find the game I may just sign up but stay in my bed! :ok PS Was it my imagination or was Poker Room a web based game last week? I've no recollection whatsoever of having to download anything until today! :unsure

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Just tried and I still can't deposit into the team Wallet!!! I'm Fcuked off with this now - I've emailed them AGAIN, a stroppy email - if they don't resolve it within 24 hours, I'll leave you guys to move on without me!!

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

Just tried and I still can't deposit into the team Wallet!!! I'm Fcuked off with this now - I've emailed them AGAIN' date=' a stroppy email - if they don't resolve it within 24 hours, I'll leave you guys to move on without me!![/quote'] If that's their customer service then I'm of the mind to tell them where to put it. The last thing we want to see happening is us clearing up and being unable to withdraw! Anyone else of the same opinion? Let us know how you get on GaF. :ok
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments fully agreed . :ok I would be worried if their customer service continues to be this slow in resolving things . It doesn't sound too good isn't it ?

If that's their customer service then I'm of the mind to tell them where to put it. The last thing we want to see happening is us clearing up and being unable to withdraw! Anyone else of the same opinion? Let us know how you get on GaF. :ok
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Finally have a reply .....

Thank you for contacting support. Our sincere apologies for the considerable delay in answering you. If the issue is still ongoing, please make sure that your attempted deposit does not make your share of the Team Wallet larger than 20% as such an deposit attempt will be rejected. Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, Alex PokerRoom.com Support Team ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It's taken them almost 4 weeks to tell me precisely.......um........nothing.... I've tried another transfer (of $10) and it's still not working :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall :wall
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

And from that I think it's time to give it up... if they can't handle this simple query then god knows what it will be like if it gets complicated!! :spank
Yup - unfortunately you're right ...... I'm disbanding the team and withdrawing my cash!!!
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