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Poker Room Team tournaments


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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Reading through those terms.....It looks like the share a player hold goes down as their balance does, including buy-ins! So if I've read that right, if you have say a team of 10 all with $10 in the team wallet, and 8 show up to play, and the team wins, the 2 guys that didn't show up win twice as much money as the 8 that played! Did I read that right? Whoever thought up this system MUST have dropped acid first.

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Eh???????????? :loon I did warn you it sounded complicated didn't I? I'm sure it'll be ok when we see it :unsure and it'll be sensible :unsure At the moment, my intention is that there will only be active members of the current tournament in the team - so everyone should play........

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

Reading through those terms.....It looks like the share a player hold goes down as their balance does, including buy-ins! So if I've read that right, if you have say a team of 10 all with $10 in the team wallet, and 8 show up to play, and the team wins, the 2 guys that didn't show up win twice as much money as the 8 that played! Did I read that right? Whoever thought up this system MUST have dropped acid first.
The way I read it was that everyone in the team got an equal share of the teams' winnings. What you've got to remember is that there's also cash prizes for individual performances over and above what the team gets. :ok It is complicated but I think it will be good fun once we've got it sussed! :hope
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Guest gazza271

Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Would love to do this but better not put my name down as dont want to let anyone down due to work:( GL to all involved and do PL proud:hope :hope :hope

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments I don't think we're going to get this sorted in time - just five of us in so far (with just 2 financed!!!) - and a 6pm start - with most people at work - we won't get a team of 10 together - maybe I was a little ambitous getting it going so quickly!!! I'll try and find another starting on 27th (for 3 days) and we'll target that!!!

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

let me know then' date=' you might need to give me a little bit of notice cos i dont have the software d/led yet.[/quote'] Interestingly this one ISN'T a download... looks like it's web based. If I get the chance I'm going to give it a whirl to see how it works. :ok
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Gaf , real sorry for letting you wait so long . I didn't see the thread moving on for a few days though . I'm in . Some problems though , Which site is this ? Is it Poker Room ? I'm blur as to which site this thing is supposed to run . And who do we transfer the sum to ? Using neteller is good , but isn't there a charge of $1 per transfer or something like that ? If there's a competition for us to enter , i suggest transferring the required amount to start off with for the 3 days or how many days the whole thing is gonna take ? I guess that would be better to reduce transaction costs ? HOpe you can pm me back . Thanks Gaf .

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments I'll be interested in playing, but not till after new year - my xmas drinking started in earnest yesterday and will now continue to around Jan 4th.:gimme I wouldn't want to let anyone down with non appearances - sorry!!:cry In fact, I'm away to open a can now as all this talk about drink has made me thirsty!!:beer

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Merry CHristmas Mate :nana :nana :nana :nana

I'll be interested in playing, but not till after new year - my xmas drinking started in earnest yesterday and will now continue to around Jan 4th.:gimme I wouldn't want to let anyone down with non appearances - sorry!!:cry In fact, I'm away to open a can now as all this talk about drink has made me thirsty!!:beer
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