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Poker Room Team tournaments


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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

Nice one guesswest - do you want to be the guinea-pig and see if you can sign up for the team? We each need to get $5.50 into the team wallet as well - can't work out how to do that yet!!!!
Happy to be a guinea-pig for most things, but looks like you've set the team as not being 'open to applicants'. Which by my (probably wrong) understanding means you have to invite us as the team manager. My pokerroom username is guesswest, if you want to try. Team wallet thing, looks like it's pretty straightforward once we have the team signed up - just the same as transferring chips between sportsbook/casino etc on some sites. Again, am probably wrong tho! :D
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

:lol:lol:lol I WAS totally wrong. Turns out I didn't have an apply button because I wasn't signed in!
You're in Guesswest - regarding financial trnsfers - everytime I try and transfer to the team wallet, I get an error - you having any more success??
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments The way they manage the distriubtion of wiinings, if I understand correctly, seems a bit strange to me!!!

Team Wallet Help The Team Wallet is the team’s communal bankroll. To be able to participate in Team Events you must transfer funds from your PokerRoom.com account into the Team Wallet. Depending on how much you transfer in comparison to the wallet’s total assets, you will then own a share of the wallet. Example: Say you decide to join a team with a Team Wallet asset of $90. If you opt to transfer $10 to the Team Wallet you will then own a 10% share of the wallet. A share of the Team Wallet can increase/decrease by performing any of the four following actions: 1. Each time the team enters a Team Event, all team players who sign-up for that specific event will split the buy-in cost between them. This will decrease their shares of the Team Wallet. 2. If the team manages to finish in the money in an event, the prize money will be split between all the participating team members based on their percentage share of the wallet, increasing the value of their shares. For a detailed description of this, please read the Team Tournaments “About” section. 3. Each withdrawal from a Team Wallet Share back to a PokerRoom.com Account will decrease that player’s share. 4. Each additional made into the Team Wallet will increase a share. However, there’s a limit to how much one can deposit into the Team Wallet. This limit is in place to ensure that no single player can buy his way into a dominant shareholder position. Currently, the limit is set at $500 OR a maximum of 20% of the Team Wallet’s total value. So if anyone owns 20% or more of the Team Wallet, that player cannot increase his or hers share by making additional deposits. Your Team Share is only accessible by you and no Team Manager or Team Player can modify share levels or cash out shares other than those he himself owns. A kicked player will automatically have his share of the wallet transferred back to his or hers PokerRoom.com Account. Do note that a player cannot be kicked off the team while involved in ongoing Team Events.
If there are 10 team members, you don't get 10% of the winnings each. Instead you get your percentage of the team bankroll as winnings!!!! I think we need to manage this ourselves, to keep us equal!! With players coming in and out as well, the best I think is if we only transfer entry fees as they are needed!!! So for the first 10, that will be $5.50. (assuming we can get it to work :loon Still looking forward to seeing exactly how this works.
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments :@ :wall :@ :wall :@ :wall :cry :cry :cry Transactions

05 Dec 21, 02:48 PM ETTelepee$10.00Transfer to walletFailed
05 Dec 21, 02:44 PM ETPLBrael$10.00Transfer to walletOK
05 Dec 21, 02:41 PM ETTelepee$5.50Transfer to walletFailed
05 Dec 21, 01:33 PM ETTelepee$10.00Transfer to walletFailed
05 Dec 21, 01:33 PM ETTelepee$5.50Transfer to walletFailed
05 Dec 21, 11:12 AM ETTelepee$6.00Transfer to walletFailed
05 Dec 21, 10:55 AM ETTelepee$5.50Transfer to walletFailed
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments

So you have!! You are now 100% sole owner of the team :@ :@ ;)
Can I suggest that no one puts in any more/less than any other team member to ensure equal shares? I'd fix it at a $10.00 deposit to start and see where we go from there... :unsure
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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments Just wondering GaF... how did you make your initial deposit? I made mine through Neteller. Any chance if it was done by debit/credit card then it's not fully authorised?? Or maybe as team manager you just get a free ride from the rest of us???!! :rollin ;)

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Re: Poker Room Team tournaments We have to be interpreting those terms wrong. Otherwise it seems ridiculous. Like I could stick a grand in there and claim 99% of everyones winnings???? Anyways definitely agreed that to stay on the safe side we should all put the same in. I'll stick $10 in there shortly. Edit: Ok not a grand, but $500/20% - same applies. Can I suggest should the team win anything we also withdraw so everyone maintains a $10 balance?

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