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**Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm


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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm Out on the bubble :cry Short stacked on Big Blind - Small Blind raises to try to steal my chips, so call him with A 4 - he shows 3 9o :nana Alas a 9 appears on the flop and I'm out. :dude Another great night trying to put every table on tilt at the daft Scotsman that never stops speaking - don't know why I'm called TQM....lol ;) Mr V, it wasn't a bad effort from being down to $500 again. :loon

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 5** Mon 19th Dec 9pm Close at the top - but TQM has a definite advantage - I reckon that his 15 is gonna get knocked off soon. Reckon the only way I'm gonna win this months tournament is by getting into the money 2 out of the remaining 3 (so as I dump my 70 and 78 and replace them with something better) - difficult or what !!!! :hope :hope :hope Really enjoy these dollar up tourneys! :)

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