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Hand by Hand analysis of the freeroll


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Something different, and an attempt to improve my, and hopefully, others game. I am going to work through my hand history from last nights freeroll, hand by hand. My objective is to develop a critical analysis of my game, and debate into alternative plays I could (or should) have made. So I invite criticism of my game decisions. I'm afraid that if I think an opponents play was bad as well - then I will say so - not in an attempt to humiliate or criticise, but in an attempt to improve (and help others improve) Whilst it was a PL event, my assumption will be that all we know about how others play is what we see from this tournament. If anyone else wants to either share their entire hand history, or specific hands as they are dealt with, then I will happily include their cards and we can critically analyse their play as well (obviously this only works if you were in the same hand as me!!) - if you are not sure where to find your hand history on your hard drive, drop me a PM and I'll help you out. Just a word of warning though - by sharing your hand history, you are sharing your playing philossifies and decision making criteria - removing a lot of the mystery around your game - this could potentially harm you next time you come up against a PL'r (or anyone else who reads this board!!). I am aware of this risk and happy to take it in the hope that the discussion can improve my game more than the information I give away here harms it. (and may as a result have to change my strategy against any PL'rs I come accross!!) Each hand will have it's own thread - specific comments to the hand should be made in that hands thread - general comments can be made here. I will use this post as an index to the threads for each hand. Each hands thread will also have a banner with a link back to this thread. This is not an attempt to say to anyone - "this is how you should play" - my strategy is just one amongst many possible - different plays can be equally right - it is this divergent views I hope to discover!! I'm sure I made MANY mistakes in the freeroll and this will become evident, so noone should see a play I made and assume it is a good way to play the hand - hopefully the discussion around the hands will indicate this!! A lot of the hands will be fairly easy - if I have 72o UTG, then not many people will argue it should be a fold. I will however put all hands in their own thread allowing any discussion anyone wants to add (and the play of others can be considered as well). If anyone I played against specifically doesn't want their plays against me displayed, let me no and I will replace your player name with an alias. Finally, there are a lot of hands here - I don't imagine for a second I'll get to the end - but will continue for as long as debate is generated and I perceive that there is benefit to myself and others.

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Re: Hand by Hand analysis of the freeroll plpokerhandanalysis4ph.jpg INDEX - Will be updated with each new hand Hand 1 72s - no significant action Hand 2 34o - large overbet from Frisky takes the pot down preflop Hand 3 Q5o on BB - Bottom Pair v 2 Overcards and dangerous flop - Heniek passive Hand 4 23o on SB - Rednutt flops top pair and takes the pot down Hand 5 A2o OTB - Everyone folds to BB who takes the blinds uncontested Hand 6 K3s - Rippy has AA but can't get any action Hand 7 AA for me and all the action I could want when my opponent hits top pair. Hand 8 42o Button tries to compete for the blinds, but BB pushes him off. Hand 9 KTo

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Re: Hand by Hand analysis of the freeroll What I forgot to add was details of the strategy I try and play with in these MTT's. Early, when the blinds are low and not worth winning in themselves, I want to keep out of trouble. I pretty much try and play tight, with Premium Hands only. If I am pretty confident I'm leading, I'll usually bet it hard - happy to take whatever is in the pot there and then. If I doubt I am winning, then I will usually let it go. I don't want to get "involved" at this stage. I will not bluff very often here (if I am playing as disciplined as I want to - not that I always do) This step is all about preserving my chip stack where it is - growing it is a secondary objective and less important than keeping in the game reasonably healthily. Middle. This is all about survival. I want to play as tight as I can whilst not falling below roughly 2/3 of an average stack. If I fall below this, I need to open up a bit - if I don't then I can stay relatively tight. In no limit, a small stack can quickly become a big stack - survival is still more important than chip growth. Late. This is where my game needs to change. The blinds are now big (and worth winning) - and painful if I don't. Critical to my game here is the "gap" - it is a lot harder to call an all in than it is to make one. So if I have position, have no significant action before me, and believe I can win the blinds without a showdown, I will click "all in" ALMOST regardless of the cards I hold. Critical here is to win blinds without a showdown. This can be done easiest against "average" stacks. Smaller stacks have to make a stand at some point, and larger stacks can afford to gamble a bit. If I have an average stack, then other average stacks can only call if they are prepared to risk their entire tournament (and usually they won't!!). So what action there is before me, and who is left to act (and their stack size) is critical!! At this stage it is pre flop "All in" or fold for me. Of course - this is how I aspire to play and not the way I necessarily always have the discipline and patience to play.

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Re: Hand by Hand analysis of the freeroll

Nice idea GAF look forward to looking at it. Wish I had the time to analyse my play in that much detail :) I gotta stick with the aggregated stats I have available in Poker office for the time being
Lol - I don't always do this!!!! I usually use Poker tracker (but only for cash games - not tournaments).
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