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Sin City Pt2


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Tuesday 29th Novemeber. We booked the Autumn Escape package so payed $49 weekdays & $59 weekends. For this you get the Deluxe bedroom with, $100 in slot play on the "Free play win $1600 machines" $25 in comp dollars that you can use towards your room. 2 buffet comps 2 frozen drinks at the Daiquri Bar or Pool Bar 4 cocktails at the casino bars free gift when you earn 400 points in slot play 2 for 1 Legends in concert tickets 2 drawing tickets to the cash blast at 3pm 4 $5 Match play coupons for any live blackjack table. PIC 2 OUR ROOM dsc007022lh.jpg UP nice and early and we head down for Breaky.... $9 each and it's all you can eat :notworthy 1hr later we stumble out and decide to check out the Poker tables.... OK here goes....This is not by any stretch of the imagination 1 of the better Poker rooms in Vegas (It looks like it has been rushed through to catch onto the Poker craze) BUT and this is a VERY BIG BUT.... You will not be treated any better any where else on the stip..... 1. Nice new tables. (10 of) 2. While you are playing poker you recieve $3 for every hour played comped to your players card. :eek This is by far the best comp rate of any casino in Vegas. 3. They also serve you fresh sandwiches and the best cookies you will every taste. (Both are topped up by a sweet old lady when the pile gets low.) 4. The standard of play is among the worst in Vegas FACT. At this point the GF drags me off and towards the shops we go :eyes GOD IF ONLY VEGAS GAVE OUT COMPS FOR SHOPPING :rollin :rollin 3hrs later I'm back at our hotel and start preparing myself for my 1st live game of Poker....:unsure Nearly 1pm and I decide to go for it....Start nice and easy on Limit poker just to get my eye in and limit my damage. Up to the front desk i go and ask if I can buy in on a table...$55 is the cost so without thinking straight im handing over the cash for which I am given my ticket to the 1pm No Limits Poker Tourny...Ohhhh FOOOK :puke Me against 30 or so other people and I'm sure they can smell the fear :$ Payout is top 4 :sad Glory be the 1st hand I am delt live are KK :loon Not only this but the Flop gives me another K :lol I am so trying to not smile like a tit when the turn card throws up another K :loon I check and call the bets hoping someone goes all in..... 4 of us go down to the river and 2 of them decide to go all in :nana :nana Christ I couldn't moce my cash into the middle quick enough:loon We sarted with $1300 in chips at the start and 1 hand in I'm now chip leader with about $4400....:dude I must say the rest was a blur to me the only thing I can remember was being down to the last 3 and im holding about $38'000 against 2nd and 3rd place who have about $3000 each...Big Blinds and now $3000 :rollin 2 hands later I find myself saying sorry about 10 times to the other guys not realising that I'd just come 1st Place and picked up just over $875. I decide to go back to our room and share my joy with the GF...Shes asleep wakes up and says ohh well done lol WOMEN....... PIC 3 OUR HOTEL dsc005625lv.jpg TBC Football-Tipper Reigning Tuesday 29th November Poker Champion, Imperial Palace :)

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Guest gazza271

Re: Sin City Pt2 Love the diary and well done on your successes:clap out there, This is giving me itchy feet now and i can feel a trip coming on later this year:tongue2

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