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**Poker Friday 9th December**


**Poker Friday 9th December**  

  1. 1.

    • 14:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 17:00 Europoker $500 Freeroll
    • 18:30 NordicBet $5000 Freeroll
    • 19:00 SO Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 20:00 Maxim King of Poker
    • 23:30 Checknraise $50 Freeroll (WSOP Leaderboard)
    • 01:00 PartyPoker.net High Flier
    • 02:30 Checknraise $50 Added ($1 and rebuy) - WSOP Leaderboard

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Re: **Poker Friday 9th December** Just fired off this e-mail to them GaF Having just joined your site I was getting used to the software by playing the 500 daily free roll. It seems though that there are players with multiple alias taking the Tournament pleasure down. If you look at todays free roll the names are very suspicious I.E xfrodo xgandalf xsamwise xguderian1 xrommel1 x aXn x x sKn x xmanstein xmupawa xmurat xgpatton x ripstar74 x Ambassador xwetdick If you could please look in to this then this would be appreciated. As a member of a forum which has over 2000 poker players if something is done about this then i would be happy to recomend this site to those people if not you will lose out on a potential 2000 new members. Yours PLSharpe :D 2000 members well you've got to lie a little to get some attention:ok

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Re: **Poker Friday 9th December**

:D 2000 members well you've got to lie a little to get some attention:ok
Hey, that's an underestimate!!! PL has over 7,500 members and that's the number I usually used when trying to get their attention :lol I emailed them as well - they replied with a standard response ..... but hopefully their "expert" in the risk team will do domething. I bet they give you the same response - word for word!!!!
Thank you for reporting this matter to us. I have now passed this case on to a collusion expert within our Risk team for further examination. We consider the integrity of our games to be of paramount importance. Please be assured that we are committed in every way to prevent and reduce any possibility of cheating on our site. Not only do we log every hand and can search through the game logs for signs of suspicious activity, we have many other tools to help us maintain a fair and clean gaming environment.
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Re: **Poker Friday 9th December**

The x thing is what they do when your nickname is taken' date=' like 'guesswest is unavailable we suggest x guesswest'. That's all it'll be.[/quote']Just amazes me that by coincidence gandalf, frodo, and samwise are there:unsure,unless this is a sad bunch of Lord of the Rings friends.:D but if they check it and get back then fair enough but I just want them to have a look:ok
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Re: **Poker Friday 9th December** Just recieved this .Probably just a standard response though but like i said fair enough if thats the way but 5 at least are multiples. Dear PLSharpe, Thank you for reporting this matter to us. I have now passed this case on to a collusion expert within our Risk team for further examination. We consider the integrity of our games to be of paramount importance. Please be assured that we are committed in every way to prevent and reduce any possibility of cheating on our site. Not only do we log every hand and can search through the game logs for signs of suspicious activity, we have many other tools to help us maintain a fair and clean gaming environment. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, EuropokerSupportTeam

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Re: **Poker Friday 9th December** Played both freerolls on Nordic. In the 5k, I was hovering around 20th with 11k. Guy raised few hundred and I wanted to steal and raised him all in with KQs (he had 9k). He called showing AA :$ and became a chip leader. In 1k, I was around 20th too with 38k. Got QQ and raised. Two guys went all in (both 6k each) and another (with 44k) called that. I went all in immediately and this dude called. I couldnt believe he called with K3 :@. 3 on the flop, K on the river. Surprise, surprise he became a chip leader. Thats poker for today :\. Gl with a rest today guys :ok.

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Re: **Poker Friday 9th December**

u're concentrating hard GotaFancy . Just saw your AA beaten . That got to hurt . You didn't hear me talking to ya in the room . Table 133 . :)
Sorry Mate - I have the "stats" p[age open - so it doesn't show chat!!! The AA - beat by a 9 on the river :loon. Actually, doesn't feel too bad - I feel it was in some way just deserts for "slow playing" them (I only raised pre flop by 3x BB instead of my usual 5xBB) - then again - what the hell was he doing calling my raise with that hand???????
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Re: **Poker Friday 9th December** true . But then again , perhaps he was riding his luck ?

Sorry Mate - I have the "stats" p[age open - so it doesn't show chat!!! The AA - beat by a 9 on the river :loon. Actually, doesn't feel too bad - I feel it was in some way just deserts for "slow playing" them (I only raised pre flop by 3x BB instead of my usual 5xBB) - then again - what the hell was he doing calling my raise with that hand???????
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