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Anyone here multi-table? I've been trying 4 tables at once at pokerstars STT'S .It can drive down your ROI because it's hard to get reads on peopl but the more tables you play it means your ROI has less varience.Meaning if you only win 1 out of 6(6hrs play) your down but if you can finish I.T.M in 8-9 out of the 24 you could play in 6 hours it means your bankroll doesn't get as big a hammering.I found it the easiest way to build it up.I only moved up a level when I reached 50 buyins or more.I recently reached 1k for the first time there a while back and got it to $1900 so Icashed out 1K and have begun to play the $22's hopefully it'll work out.:hope

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Re: Muti-tabling Sorry Frisky not heard of it. Mikkav - try Poker tracker - with the gametime+ add in it categorises players, and gives the essential stats - so when you are multi-tabling and go up against them, you have SOME feel for what they're like. I multitable on low limit cash tables and it is far more profitable for me than playing on 1 table.

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Re: Muti-tabling GAF is there a poker tracker instruction manual for absolute dummies? I followed your advice in a previous thread and downloaded the free version. It left me bamboozled to be honest, I havn't got a clue where to start with it. After ages trying I finally managed to get it to import some Betfair hand historys, but from there i'm not sure what i should be doing. :unsure

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Re: Muti-tabling Hayward - if you look here - http://www.bet-the-pot.com/poker-tracker-part-one-page31.html, there's a series of beginners "how to" with Poker Tracker (under poker articles). I also have a pdf book on poker tracker if you want a copy (courtesy of someone else on PL :ok) - though I haven't read this yet..... It IS mind boggling, but IMO well worth getting to grips with. Make sure you have the (free) gametime plus add in to overlay your opponents stats (live) directly onto you Poker game window.

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