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Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK


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If memory serves me correctly, fenner is travelling back to London tomorrow for the Sporting Odds Peoples Poker Challenge. If that's the case then now is the time to wish him and Mrs Sheedy Free Kick all the best for the game. :hope they'll both come home with something. Danno375... you're on update duty! :lol Posts to PL are preferable but text messages or carrier pigeon are alternative, but suitable, means of communication! :rollin TV make-up hints are available from GaF? Good luck to you both. I'm sure we're all looking forward to another weekend of poker dominated stories! :ok

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Re: Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK I think it's being played on Friday...... Well done both of you on getting there - you carry the best wishes of everyone on Punters Lounge I'm sure. And enjoy it..... One tip I was given was don't look into the camera cos it makes you look like a pratt - very hard not to do though when it's right in front of you.

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Re: Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK Thanks for the support guys I'll be sure to let the Snowqueen know... We're on our way to London tomorrow arvo, being put up in a luxury hotel, all expenses paid, tourny takes place Friday daytime. We'll be sure to give you all an update over the weekend, hopefully with a happy ending!! :hope SFK ps just doing the missus' ironing now....

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Re: Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK

Brael. I cannot be responsible for updates tonight I am afraid....I am at work and not going to London. However.....Good luck to Mrs Sheedy and Fenners. Hope you both grab the prizes.
D'Oh! Looks like we'll have to stay in suspense until fenner or SFK can get to a PC! :)
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Re: Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK

Feeners came second in the SO tv nonsense!!! Good month for him
Cheers Danno - that's a pretty poor result by the standards he's now set ;) Who beat him in heads-up?? :loon Quick sign them up!!!!! Any idea how the Snowqueen got on?
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Re: Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK Snowqueen went out first .... my brother went out 3rd (sob sob) - SportingOdds (I thought) were exceedingly geenrous yesterday evening - especially to the hangers on (like me) who were copiously plied with drinks whilst the real participants practiced being film stars. Then dinner (with more booze). Then it was off to Gutshot for more free drinks and a couple of friendly cheapo games ... I ended up a £5 up :-). Got in many mentions of PL so don't be suprised if the winner and more come to join.

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Re: Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK ...apparently it's been pencilled in for around mid-January - can't wait to see the missus on the box! We've just returned home - pleased to hear Fenner picked up 2nd place as I didn't know the final result. Unfortunately the Snowqueen finished in 6th but she put in a good performance and was out-flopped when holding JJ vs 22 (a 2 on the flop). Last night was fun looking on as Tony 'TK' Kendall gave some tips on live vs internet poker - apparently this has a 30 minute slot on the 2hr long show. Hi Philossify - who won in the end - was it Darren?? Right, time to get myself on a tv tourny..... SFK

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Re: Good Luck to Fenner and Mrs SFK thanks again everybody happy with 2nd but should have won it really had a massive chip lead but unfortunately quad 3s came back to haunt me mrs sheedy was very unlucky to be out 1st she was definately one of the better players

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