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The Rollercoasters of H-U


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Just had a rollercoaster of a day on the BetFred heads up tables. I decided to sit down with $70 to test the waters and ended up getting wiped out by a very good player, stupidly i decided to re-load and try $100 this time. Once again he did me up like a kipper leaving my BetFred bankroll blank. So i walked away greacefully and tried not to think about it as I was taking my afternoon driving lesson. When i got back home I decided to have another go at it deposited a smifty fifty dollars, and after 2 hours of solid play i am now $1875 up and ready to cash out. :nana :nana :nana I wouldn't normally startup a new thread just because I had won some money but I'm actually ecstatic right now. H-U NL has to be the most ball-breaking card game you can get. Glady I have just broken a few peoples balls :cow No more high stakes H-U for me though. I'm a chicken at heart. :gimme

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Re: The Rollercoasters of H-U Geez, mate. You grabbed a tiger by the tail there didn't you? I'm glad you're up, but try the SO H-up MTT's. There is a $5 buy in that starts at 9pm (I think). Pay out normally starts at last 32. Well done mind, but be careful with that format. :clap :clap

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Re: The Rollercoasters of H-U Thanks, it really did put me through the proverbial ringer a few times. It's not something i'll be rushing back to. I used to always play cash games and saw Free Rolls as childs play and boring, but since I have found this site iv'e totally changed my stance. They are a really relaxed way to work on your poker skills and having the 'friendly' forum competition makes them fun to play also. Plus it's free money up for grabs, who can complain about that! See you all at the Dollar Up :drums

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