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Ouch ...... that hurt


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I decided to chase the Bet365 bonus - and have been playing at the $0.50/$1 tables - with a $100 buy in - way more than I'm used to and I shouldn't have .... I got this hand, and a massive overbet at the showdown from my opponent - and I couldn't lay down my full house, even though I knew I had to!!!! That Hurt!!! He'd only just joined the table (about 10 hands before) so I didn't have much of a read on him. At lower limits I'd probably have raised pre flop and he wouldn't have been in the hand!!!!

** Game ID 603129234 starting - 2005-12-06 23:18:50 ** Bad Beat Table 1 [Hold 'em] (0.50|1.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - ean_88 sitting in seat 1 with $16.20 - piggyon sitting in seat 2 with $38.90 - edz0nk sitting in seat 3 with $40.00 [sitting out] - john1981 sitting in seat 4 with $129.27 - Telepe sitting in seat 5 with $105.82 - nilaland sitting in seat 6 with $130.25 - MinorityRule sitting in seat 7 with $54.86 [Dealer] - mooojuice sitting in seat 9 with $71.90 - irtep sitting in seat 10 with $78.30 mooojuice posted the small blind - $0.50 irtep posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing card to Telepe: Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts ean_88 folded piggyon folded john1981 called - $1.00 Telepe called - $1.00 nilaland called - $1.00 MinorityRule folded mooojuice folded irtep checked ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Hearts, 4 of Diamonds, 9 of Clubs irtep checked john1981 checked Telepe bet - $4.00 nilaland folded irtep called - $4.00 john1981 folded ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Diamonds irtep checked Telepe bet - $4.00 irtep raised - $8.00 Telepe called - $8.00 ** Dealing the river: 9 of Spades irtep went all-in - $66.30 Telepe called - $66.30 irtep shows: 9 of Hearts, 4 of Hearts irtep wins $157.60 from the main pot End of game 603129234
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Re: Ouch ...... that hurt But like you said, not much of a read on him.:\ If you'd have raised preflop, you may not have shaken him off anyway (I'd have folded, but there you go), and then post-flop you were behind (although you didn't know it at the time). His play after that is pretty much how I would have played it, and I know it hurts but you know it wasn't the best hand you've played. It IS unusual for you to get tied to a flopped Ace though (I'd blame it on last nights late night ;)) Unlucky mate.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Ouch ...... that hurt Thanks for resurecting this thread Pocket Lady!!! I'd forgotten all about it, now those bad memories come flooding back!!!! So I've no sympathy!! You should have known better you Muppet ;) For those commenting on my "loss", just to point out the dates - my post was beginning of December :ok And as for moving up through the levels - I'm firmly entrenched in $0.10/$0.20 at laddies at the moment - any ventures into higher limits has so far proved costly and expensive and scared me back down!!!

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