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**Poker Tuesday 6th December**


**Poker Tuesday 6th December**  

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    • 19:00 Sportin Odds Safety net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 19:30 Betfair/Poker Player Grand Prix - Leg 5
    • 01:00 Party Poker.net High Flier

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 6th December** hi again guys,, Is there any more freerolls during the night i have got the holdem one at 12.oo tonight, Is there anymore after that, watching tables and learnig to try and read what i think they may have .. This is certainly a game of bluff at the start of it all,, Putting 500 in just to win 120 or even 90 but as said earlier it is a great learning experience.. kev:ok :loon

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 6th December** Hi Kev At the start, I would disagree that it is a game of bluff. I would say any new player should be trying to play the game/odds correctly, and introduce bluffing into their game at a later stage. If you put 500 in to win 100 (when you are losing), as a bluff, then it may seem good if you win it, BUT you have to win it 5 times out of 6 to "break even" on the odds in the long run - there can be circumstances when this is a good play, but most of the time, this will not be rewarded in the long run. Almost all new players (myself included at the beggining) bluff too much, and it costs them, I really would recommend that for the moment you try and play a solid game and don't bluff too much. The essential thing for a new player to master is a good starting hand selection - if you only play between 10 and 20 percent of hands, then your decisions are a lot easier, and in the beginning, you will find yourself far more successful. Hope that helps :ok

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 6th December** Yes GAF that makes good common sense after reading it. :wall :wall I did tonight throw away a lot of hands such as 6/7 suited 7/9 suited. and even A with a 6 and i did really improve on last night position so i am aiming to do better tonight in holdem.com's freeroll.. I want to get to around 150th or even better if poss .. and i do appreciate the advice it does help.. :ok :ok thanks again kev:hope

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Re: **Poker Tuesday 6th December**

Yes GAF that makes good common sense after reading it. :wall :wall I did tonight throw away a lot of hands such as 6/7 suited 7/9 suited. and even A with a 6 and i did really improve on last night position so i am aiming to do better tonight in holdem.com's freeroll.. I want to get to around 150th or even better if poss .. and i do appreciate the advice it does help.. :ok :ok thanks again kev:hope
A6 is a LOT weaker than it seems - an A with a random other card does not automatically make a strong hand - This - http://www.betfairpromo.com/holdorfold/holdorfold7.html - from Betfair ("Starting Hands") is probably worth a browse to see starting hand rankings.
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 6th December**

OH and by the way does raked hands mean games that you have played in for cash..
Raked hands generally only apply to cash games - though some sites offer a nominal number of raked hands for tournament entries.
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Re: **Poker Tuesday 6th December** Curses... had been looking forward to the next leg of the Betfair Grand Prix but chose to suffer the low temperatures at Cappielow tonight instead... (2-1 to the 'Ton btw!) ... having missed the game on Saturday missing 2 in-a-row was out of the question (2-1 to the 'Ton again btw!!)... :cow

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