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**Poker Monday 5th December**


**Poker Monday 5th December**  

  1. 1.

    • 19:00 Parbet $10k Freeroll Final
    • 19:00 Sporting Odds Safety Net
    • 19:45 Blue Square Bankroll Booster
    • 21:00 Sporting Odds Dollar Up (MTT Tourney Leg 1)
    • 01:00 Party Poker High Flier

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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December** Hi guys new to the poker scene.. I have played a few games at will hill poker,, some cash games and those games that you put in $1 +20 and if you win you get $5 & $3 for 2nd so how do i go about getting into the games that you all keep advertising here.. Also whats the difference between freeroll and mtt game please.. kev

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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December**

Hi guys new to the poker scene.. I have played a few games at will hill poker' date=', some cash games and those games that you put in $1 +20 and if you win you get $5 & $3 for 2nd so how do i go about getting into the games that you all keep advertising here.. Also whats the difference between freeroll and mtt game please.. kev[/quote'] Hi Kev Good to see you're giving it a try!!! I'm sure you'll end up as addicted as the rest of us. First off - as a new player, I would strongly suggest that you don't play cash games - they're a great way to lose a lot of money fast - even at low stakes - whilst you're learning. The games that pay 1,2 and 3 are STT's (Single Table Tournaments) - these aren't a bad place to play and your money will go a lot further here than in Cash Games. A freeroll costs nothing to enter (or "player points" from cash games if it isn't a genuine freeroll - but we aren't generally keen on freerolls that aren't Genuine). Freerolls are free to enter, but pay real cash prizes!!! MTT's are Multi Table Tournaments that charge an entry fee. It is entirely possible to build up a bankroll from Freerolls, and then play MTT's, STTs or Cash games with the money you have won - therefore never risking your own dosh. To join the games we talk about here - just make sure you have the relevent poker software downloaded (a lot of us have in excess of 20 poker rooms downloaded) and sign up in the tournament lobby (if it isn't a freeroll, and you haven't won any money in this room in a freeroll before, you will need to deposit some money to play). Any questions (no matter how stupid they sound), feel free to fire away.
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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December**

Thanks for the info GAF.. which poker software shall i download first or does it not really matter. which one.. I am as Keen as mustard. but i wont spread that easy :nana
Sporting Odds and Blue Square are probably good starting points (for the Safety Net and Bankroll Booster Tournaments played daily at 7pm and 7:45pm) - they're not the best "value" out there, but they're low entry and probably give you the best option to hit the cash soon. And you know that there you have 2 (genuine)freerolls every day. Make sure you have the Betfair Software too for the PL Christmas Freeroll (and send your email to get in - details in a sticky in this forum!!). Other than that, follow the daily threads to see what is interesting each day ....... and let us know how you're getting on and what we can do to help..... William Hill (which you already have) aren't very good for freerolls - but they do have them at 2pm on Sat and Sun - registration opens at noon, but is full within about 2 mins - so be quick.
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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December** "Safety Net" is the name for the freeroll on Sporting Odds. It is a $250 freeroll and limited to a maximum of 500 players. Registration for this opens 2 hours before the tournament starts - it has been full recently so don't leave registration to the last minute.

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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December** One point Kev - you don't need to put any money into a lot of these sites to play. As my signature suggests, I started Bluesquare with nothing, played the 7.45pm freeroll until I won some cash, then moved onto the single table tournaments and increased my winnings. A lot of the Prima sites - www.thegamingclub.com etc. now give you $10 + loads of freerolls just for joining the site. It really is true cash for nothing. If you lose the $10, simply join another prima site and reload.

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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December**

Could anyone tell me what the prize structure is for the Blue Square freeroll please?
It depends on the number of entrants.... At A maximum 27 places will be paid. As numbers enter then the prize structure will change from the above one posted by Jomell. I would expect about 240 - 270 entrants with 1st place getting about $60 down to about $1.50 for 27th but this is a rough guess as it depends entirly on the number of entrants
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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December**

One point Kev - you don't need to put any money into a lot of these sites to play. As my signature suggests, I started Bluesquare with nothing, played the 7.45pm freeroll until I won some cash, then moved onto the single table tournaments and increased my winnings. A lot of the Prima sites - www.thegamingclub.com etc. now give you $10 + loads of freerolls just for joining the site. It really is true cash for nothing. If you lose the $10, simply join another prima site and reload.
thanks ovalman :cheers :ok kev:ok
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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December** Hi just registered for a freeroll on bluesquare and starts in around an hours time will i get a pop up window to let me know it has started. and also i guess you have to win a few tables to get to the final table to be in the money ..:ok

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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December** OK-I'm out of the safety net. Like this; 6h4c-sb (10 chips to limp in-which I do). Flop- 9h5h3h. 3 callers for 100. Turn 4h 1 guy goes all in. I have to call, because of the open straight flush draw (I've already got the flush). Other calls. I need a 7 or 2 of hearts to win. Player 1 has the 7 Player 3 has the 2. I'm fcuked.:lol :lol :lol So anyone who goes out with poxy AA remember my downfall, and smile.

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Re: **Poker Monday 5th December** Was late home from work and missed the safety net by 30 sec max. :( Had to try to load the software twice. Signed up for the dollar-up and decided to play a $1 stt (well i need to get the money from somewhere if i don't make the freerolls.) Was waiting for the room to pop up and was browsing the forum. Glanced to see how many had joined the table, and it was underway!!! Had to shutdown software and go back in. Disconnected 4 times during the game mad.gif But still won it in the end. party-smiley-048.gif

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