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Dollar Up in December


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Re: Dollar Up in December The only slight issue I have with these MTTs is (an issue that affect me but I only found out it did when I tried to prove my madness to myself) to get a truer picture and who is performing best I think is one that could be considered. It relates to the amount of entrys into the MTT and your final position. If there are 100 entrys and you come 99th, is this really better than an MTT with 125 entrys and you come 101st? I am sure your accute mathematical brain and your spreadsheet could work out a percentage for your position. A 100 runner MTT and you come 99th gives a score of 0.99, but 101st out of 125 gives a score of 0.808. Hence lower the score (or %) the better. I dont want to over complicate things but it will give a truer picture of how well we are all doing. Some of the minor placings for this months were drastically different. Indulge me another few minutes and I will post a comparision with the current table the table as it would be under this system.

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Re: Dollar Up in December If we're going to change the scoring, I think a much more significant thing is that the difference between coming 1st and 11th should be a lot more than the difference between coming 101st and 111th. We could be very nerdy and make the score equal to the logarithm of the position?

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Re: Dollar Up in December I am on the level here guys, it took me 10mins to copy and paste GaF table and insert the alternative formulas, averaged them out, sort by new rank and hey presto. I defy anyone to tell me that it is right that anyone who doesnt play in a 90 player mtt gets a higher score than someone who plays in a 125 player mtt and beats 24 people.

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Re: Dollar Up in December

slap, do what i did and use your logorithm, see what it produces - if its accurate i would support it. i agree that if you are 1st in a 125 player then it is also better than coming 1st in 90 player mtt
I was only being half-serious (OK, less than half), and my suggestion was intended to address a different problem ... that it's more impressive to move from 11th to 1st than it is to move from 111th to 101st. But, hey! We could combine the two .... Score = log(x/n) where x = position and n = number of entrants. Best of all worlds! wink2.gif
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Re: Dollar Up in December At a quick glance, I like the look of the Log - if we're going to get away from dead "simple", then the Log looks the best measure....... However, I'm sure I'll put it to the vote........so everyone can decide......

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Re: Dollar Up in December

Excuse me for being thick' date=' but how do i get involved in your Dollar Up table thingy?[/quote'] Just play it, and make sure you tell me you're in (in the relevent thread) - nothing more to it.........
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