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Who Played Worse?


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I'm trying to work out whether I played this one really badly or he did (or both, as I suspect!) ** Game ID 367411337 starting - 2005-11-27 11:25:19 ** Holdem Freezeout:Table 14 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - shrewdmove sitting in seat 2 with $2080.00 - Pasmasel sitting in seat 3 with $1730.00 - mph2510 sitting in seat 4 with $1455.00 - Mr_Fergus sitting in seat 5 with $1375.00 - RenMo sitting in seat 6 with $1215.00 - foxy76 sitting in seat 7 with $1180.00 - Sgt_Bilko1 sitting in seat 8 with $1760.00 [Dealer] - JadedJ sitting in seat 9 with $1425.00 - ford57 sitting in seat 10 with $2575.00 JadedJ posted the small blind - $15.00 ford57 posted the big blind - $30.00 ** Dealing card to JadedJ: 5 of Clubs, 3 of Clubs shrewdmove folded Pasmasel folded mph2510 raised - $150.00 Mr_Fergus folded RenMo folded foxy76 folded Sgt_Bilko1 folded JadedJ called - $150.00 ford57 called - $150.00 ** Dealing the flop: 6 of Diamonds, 6 of Hearts, 7 of Hearts JadedJ bet - $210.00 ford57 folded mph2510 raised - $420.00 JadedJ called - $420.00 ** Dealing the turn: 4 of Hearts JadedJ bet - $420.00 mph2510 called - $420.00 ** Dealing the river: 4 of Diamonds JadedJ went all-in - $450.00 mph2510 called - $450.00 mph2510 shows: Ace of Spades, Ace of Diamonds JadedJ wins $3030.00 from the main pot End of game 367411337 Okay, I put too much money in early on, but for him to call at the end with me possibly having straight, flush, or full house?

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Re: Who Played Worse? Errrrm, don't let danno375 see thislaugh4.gif Have you read GAFs sig aswell? Fair enough the guy with the pocket rockets could have been more aggressive pre-flop but calling a raise with 53s and then calling a decent bet with only a gutshot draw. I'd be feeling pretty aggrieved if i was himlaugh4.gif

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Re: Who Played Worse?

Fair enough the guy with the pocket rockets could have been more aggressive pre-flop but calling a raise with 53s and then calling a decent bet with only a gutshot draw. I'd be feeling pretty aggrieved if i was himlaugh4.gif
Have to agree with that.........
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Re: Who Played Worse? THINK (but wouldn't swear to it) that Doyle uses connectors to describe cards with no gap or just one between them - but technically, as GaF says, 26 etc could be connectors as well. I like anything with one gap or less, tend to avoid stuff like 74 (as I'm sure you're pleased to hear!) K9 is one I do play, though.

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Re: Who Played Worse?

I think they are - technically 26 are connectors ........ obviously 45 is a better connector than 35' date=' which is better than 25 etc.....[/quote'] Hmmm....just checked a couple of glossary's and they both say consecutive cards only ....... :unsure
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Re: Who Played Worse? Have to agree with this that the call on the gutshot was really bad, there was no kind of odds on hitting it, not even implied odds if you believed he'd call down your whole stack at some point. But not just that, with a paired and flushing board there was a decent chance the straight wasn't even good if you hit it. Not having a go tho, I've certainly made way worse plays. Do agree that it was a bad call on his part at the end also with one pair. Am a bit surprised you even bet the river with the amount of hands out there that beat you on that board.

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Re: Who Played Worse? Seems like a maniac play early on the tournament which could have cost you dearly. Having said that, it would have done your table image the world of good with people thinking you'll call with anything. It was bad play by him with the straight draw, flush draw and trips draw on the board. Some people think pocket rockets have a devine right to win every hand when in reality on the flop all they are is a strong pair.

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Re: Who Played Worse? Thats a good point about the way some people play pocket As. Some people are the same with AK, they go all in/call any bet on the flop without any regard to the cards the other players may have JUST because they have AK and it's supposedly a good pocket hand.

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Re: Who Played Worse?

And whatever you do Jaded, never fold 33 when your up against 2 other opponents - one holding 88, the other K7s. You never know.... a pair of 33's might flop....
:@ :@ :@ :@ :$ :$ :$ :$ :( :( :( :( :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry
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