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**Poker Sunday 27th November**


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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** Just been playing a $5 STT on nordic bet. Just been beat on a hand b4 and was fuming so full on tilt and sick of poker so i just decided to get out of the game. This is the killer of bad beats:lol - sjaak sitting in seat 1 with $1500.00 - lken sitting in seat 2 with $1380.00 - addwiley sitting in seat 3 with $1530.00 - Tapetklister sitting in seat 4 with $1500.00 - vilkku87 sitting in seat 5 with $1520.00 - shinza sitting in seat 6 with $1490.00 - shh76 sitting in seat 7 with $1980.00 - Sharpe1ne sitting in seat 8 with $1120.00 [Dealer] - dawkar sitting in seat 9 with $1470.00 - AppleDane sitting in seat 10 with $1480.00 dawkar posted the small blind - $10.00 AppleDane posted the big blind - $20.00 ** Dealing card to Sharpe1ne: 9 of Diamonds, Jack of Clubs sjaak folded lken folded addwiley raised - $480.00 Tapetklister folded vilkku87 folded shinza folded shh76 folded Sharpe1ne called - $480.00 dawkar folded AppleDane called - $480.00 ** Dealing the flop: 7 of Diamonds, King of Hearts, 5 of Diamonds AppleDane checked addwiley went all-in - $1050.00 Sharpe1ne went all-in - $640.00 AppleDane folded addwiley shows: Ace of Clubs, Ace of Hearts ** Dealing the turn: 9 of Hearts ** Dealing the river: 9 of Clubs Sharpe1ne wins $2730.00 from the main pot The abuse i got after i think was deserved but i couldn't stop laughing:lol

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** Guess i deserved this one then.:lol reaper132: --, -- Arvioni: --, -- yesbutno: --, -- solay: --, -- dzsimbim1: --, -- AAute21AA: --, -- binz_81: --, -- CartmansPi: Ad, Ac Beckham18: --, -- MAFIUSU: --, -- Pre-flop: yesbutno: Fold solay: Fold dzsimbim1: All in AAute21AA: Fold binz_81: Fold CartmansPi: All in Beckham18: Fold MAFIUSU: Fold reaper132: Fold Arvioni: Fold Showdown: dzsimbim1 shows: Jd, Kd (high card, King) CartmansPi shows: Ad, Ac (a pair of Aces) Flop (Board: 3d, Ks, Js): Turn (Board: 3d, Ks, Js, 5h): River (Board: 3d, Ks, Js, 5h, Kh): dzsimbim1 shows: Jd, Kd (full house) Mainpot: dzsimbim1 wins the pot of 5995 with full house (0.00 rake were taken for this hand)

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** Out in 12th, blinds rising, not catching any sort of hand, pot committed in the small blind, my K3s gets snapped by 75o. Ah well. Edit: Thanx for the encouragement Piston but I didn't even see a picture card for 3 rounds of the blinds. When K3s came along it looked like a monster:loon .

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Re: **Poker Sunday 27th November** I'm gonna give up for the night:cry . Played my way into second in the Virgin freeroll (8000 in chips). Some guy raises big, I have pocket AA's so I put him all in for about 3000. He shows pocket TT and hits trips on the flop:wall . 2 hands later the table short stack goes all in with K9, I call with pocket TT and he hits a K on the turn (another 1200 lost):wall . Then some guy who has been raising every other pot raises it to 4000, I have pocket QQ and 4800ish in chips so I go all in, he calls and shows A4o, flop A6A:wall . Time to shut all the poker programmes down and calmly walk away without seeing just how far you can throw a computer monitor.

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