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Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas


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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas Out in about 420ish when my AT got busted by AQ. I'm glad Betfair kicked off all the sit outs. I know it's a bit harsh for peeps who are running five or ten minutes late, but it totally ruins tournaments. In the Maxim qualifier this afternoon I landed on a table with seven sit-outs. Me and the other guy agreed to split the blinds and by doing that I coasted into the final. Glad to have made it, but it's not really poker.

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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas I set out to play very tight, in the end played too tight and got overheated when I hit a good hand, finished 92nd...well £6 was fair enough for some pretty dire plays. Regarding the sit-out question...Hills and Betfair both clear out the sit-outs from freerolls after 15 minutes of the game.

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Re: Betfair 12 Plays of Christmas WP jomell! This was a really frustrating tourney for me.. I was steadily building my stack with some solid play, when I flopped the nut straight - I put out a 3/4 pot sized bet, which was called by 1 person (I assumed they had made top pair). The turn put a second heart on the board, but I still had the best hand at this point, so I put my whole stack on the table to protect what should be the winning hand and claim my pot. The person to my left thinks, then calls, and turns over 4 and 8 of hearts.. You don't need me to tell you what suit the river card was.. BAAAH

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