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**November MTT Leg 7**Wed 23rd Nov 9pm GMT


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Re: **November MTT Leg 7**Wed 23rd Nov 9pm GMT Thats me out, missed my final position but believe it had 3 figures in it :D Pushed all-in on straight and flush draw, happy to pick up the pot but ok with the call as slight favourite against most hands. Unfortunately the call came from someone with overcards drawing to the same flush so left pretty thin on outs, none of which hit. GL all, hopefully another win for PL!

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Re: **November MTT Leg 7**Wed 23rd Nov 9pm GMT 101st guesswest. :ok :rollin :rollin :rollin I went out in 78th when I flopped an A to go with mine. Played it very slow as I'd been hitting bullets all game (ask philossify). Guy on the button bets 200, I have to call as my kicker is an overcard. Anyway the turn was a 3 and the button went all in. I called. The 3 made his trips.:eyes Bang! bang! I'm dead.

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Re: **November MTT Leg 7**Wed 23rd Nov 9pm GMT I'm out in 62nd. Thought I'd try and buy the blinds with what I thought was a half decent hand should anyone call.... AQ suited Got called by a nob with 3 K offsuit and he hit his King. Sometimes forget what level we're playing at.

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Guest gazza271

Re: **November MTT Leg 7**Wed 23rd Nov 9pm GMT out in 34th when the twat who had been moaning about bad beats went all in, i called with QQ and he had K7 and............oh sod it u can guess the rest:wall :wall :wall :wall

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