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**Poker Monday 21st November**


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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** Phew.....down to 3 tables now - seems almost pedestrian....... Never doing that again!!!!! I was sitting quite nicely in the sun for a while, and then my machine decided it didn't like the sun, and it was ages before I realised - then I couldn't get back in, and it kept folding nice hands ....... grrrrr...... Anyway, last I saw Valiant was leading :loon - nmust be down to last table now? Apologies to everyone I've ignored in Chat tonight (there were a few of you.....)

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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** Out in 202nd in the nordic AA v my AK can't complain after the second hand I got in the game kept me in when i didn't want to be.:$ Out of the dolaar up 87th me head was to battered by the other games goin on:sad Donated all me chips away in the betfair to fellow PLers(bloody flops) and the rest of the games i have'nt got a clue but i played crap.:$ NEVER EVER AGAIN WILL I TRY TO PLAY AS MANY GAMES AS THAT:wall Good luck to all those left in( Whichever sites it may be):ok

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