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**Poker Monday 21st November**


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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** Thanks for the useful post. I've registered for most of them. Favourite among them I must admit is the $200 Bluesquare freeroll. Not a big load of money but a decent blind structure and small field makes it reasonably possible to reach the money.

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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November**

Sorry wrong thread for the above
It is? Seems like the right thread to me ...... I'm out of the Nordic - Had KK followed by AA - bet both aggressively (ended up all in Pre Flop) - and both got busted!!!!!!!
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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** Hit the back button so ending up confusing me a bit:\ Probably posted incorrectly somewhere else.

It is? Seems like the right thread to me ...... I'm out of the Nordic - Had KK followed by AA - bet both aggressively (ended up all in Pre Flop) - and both got busted!!!!!!!
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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** Currently 83rd in the Nordic.God know's how after the first hand me trip 2's were beaten by 3 5 straight. next hand guy raised 600 i had j 9 and just wanted to get out of the game. called him, the flop 5h kd 7h he went all in and turned over the aces. turn 9 river 9:rollin He was mighty peeved lets say.:$

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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** WOW... what a night for tournaments - i've entered 6 for tonight!:eek I apologise now if i don't speak or say hi while around the tables tonight, might be a bit busy juggling 6 tables - never tried that many before! Good luck all....

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Guest gazza271

Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** Out in the Sun some muppet beat my AK with J2. Some bad players playing!!! Sorry not very talkative,trying to juggle site at mo......

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Re: **Poker Monday 21st November** In quick succession: In the PokerPlayer Grand Prix I was dealt KK. Someone raised all-in and I and one other called. They had AQs and A10o ... and flopped one of the other two aces. :( Then in the Eurolinx I was dealt KK. I raised 5 times the big blind and got two callers. Flop was AA10. I raised half the pot, got called by one of the others and lost the other. Turn was K. I checked, he made a big raise, I raised all-in and he called. River was Q. He had AQ. :cry

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