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help needed


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Re: help needed Hi Portman :welcome to the Lounge. Most of us play No Limit Texas Hold'em. In this version of the game, there is certainly only one pack of cards used, however it is possible for 2 players to have 3 of a kind. The game works, each player has 2 private (and hidden) cards. Then there are 5 displayed (and shared cards). You must "discard" 2 cards to make the best hand you can with the remaining 5 cards. If two 3's are displayed amongst the community cards and each player has one 3 amongst their private cards, then both players have 3 of a kind, and their "kicker" becomes important. Does that explain the scenario you came across? Alternatively, if you were playing a different version of poker, I imagine it is possible 2 decks are used (though have never come across this myself). I would urge you to play for "fake" money until you are sure you fully understand how the game works, or else you will just give your money away.

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Re: help needed thanx for the welcome guys.love this site.thanx 4 advice gaf.played 4 fake on betfair 4 a while,not very realistic,more like a chat room.people betting all in with a pair 2,s pre flop.:D just thought 2 people that can have that hand takes away abit of the skill.of the game .again many thanx.

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Re: help needed sorry gaf,me again.i was showing my mate how 2 play the game last nite [iwas pissed,he doesnt drink.]anyway,he tells me i had pocket 3's and flopped a 3 thats why i raised [playing 4 buttons by the way].there was only one 3 in the community cards,so he could only have had one if there was onlyone deck:\ when i pointed this out to the other players.one told me to piss off if i did,nt like it}

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Re: help needed Hmmmm........ What you describe doesn't sound possible. There is a way to find out though - you can get the hand history - go into Betfair and go to "Game Log" - from there you should be able to find the hand - if you copy and paste it here, we can have a look.

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Re: help needed About 60% of the people who play online poker make a loss. Of the remaining 40%, I guess something like 39% just make a small profit. There are people who can make a living from Poker, but they have years of experience and are VERY good at the game. Please don't give up your day job just yet. There is a LOT to learn about the game. The general rules I would give you whilst you are learning this (so you don't lose a fortune) are: 1) Don't risk more than you are prepared to lose. If you are good enough, then you can build up a bankroll without risking any of your own cash - through freerolls for example. Once you have a bankroll, then you can start playing at higher stakes, and you're not risking any of your own hard earned cash. 2) Study the game - that means reading books on Poker, watch Poker on TV etc - make sure you keep learning. 3) If you want to play really well (and profitably) then you need to really concentrate on your game - read and understand your opponents - that means playing sober and it means concentrating on the game (i.e. not watching TV or reading emails etc). Of course this is all speculation, because I'm not good enough to make a living from poker!!!!!

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Re: help needed

as far as online poker' date='i think theres alot of people making money,but not in an entirely honest way.;)[/quote'] Hi portman and :welcome. In what way do you think there is dishonesty? I started 3 months ago because the guys on here gave me the confidence to take the plunge. I think I have some aptitude for the game (I'm reluctant to use the word talent for several reasons-one being called a liar :lol). I can honestly say I have spent £20 on poker (£10 in Sporting Odds, and £10 on Betfair for a PL league game), yet I have over $100 on Sporting Odds now ($17=£10 roughly), and over £100 sitting in a Neteller account all of which are poker winnings. This is by no means a large bankroll by some players standards, but I have some pride in the fact that my 'investment' is now 10 times bigger. The best thing I ever did was read the Poker Novice thread from start to finish, and the 2nd best was to always ask for advice. :ok HTH, and good luck with your hangover.
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Re: help needed hi valiant,well done you,ve probably for gotten more about the game than i know.where there is money there is corruption(as a wise fellow wrote).i read an artical once ,about how online players use mobile phones in a game,where they let fellow conspirators know wot they have.very handy in a big money game.sounds feasible to me.dont know myself.trying very hard not to take ahair of the dog:tongue2 or i might leave it bald:beer

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Re: help needed

hi valiant' date='well done you,ve probably for gotten more about the game than i know.where there is money there is corruption(as a wise fellow wrote).i read an artical once ,about how online players use mobile phones in a game,where they let fellow conspirators know wot they have.very handy in a big money game.sounds feasible to me.dont know myself.trying very hard not to take ahair of the dog:tongue2 or i might leave it bald:beer[/quote'] Hi portman and :welcometo P.L guess you will feel this in any game you play.............. thats POKER!!! we have an entire thread to show how bad beats regularly occur in the game............. its not just you!!! Poker is a very simple game - esp.... no limit holdem!!! you pay to play!!! I personally, had a lot of hard luck stories but looking back they were NOT hard luck stories but more like BAD PLAY........... An example could be TONIGHT........ Blue Sq $200 banker booster............. Got dealt A,K suited and had 5 players on table, Im on BB.. one caller.............. I check (he was very low in chips) flop is A,Q,10 I check hoping to lead him into going "all-in" He goes all-in!!! i call!!! n(no probs there) He has J,2 o Turn K river 2 He fills straight, I go on to get done on QQ, two hands later, A,8 caller fills a flush!!! he finishes 4 places above me in the overall ranking!!! Cest la vie, my friend.............thats poker!!!!!!
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Re: help needed As for the original story - one word...Bullshit!!! either your mate is taking the piss or you are being very manipulated in some way!!!! I can prove this if you actually trust me with your a/c details!!! your mte is FULL OF SH!T - it simply did NOT happen!!!! I can check this on most sites for you and will show you that somebody is JACKING YOU OFF!!!!!!!! Pm if you want me to check this out for you!!!!! G.L :ok Friskyfitz

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