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Ladbrokes Ladders


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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders I like them, and thats where I play most at the moment. (I had a bust up with laddies, so won't deposit there any more, only keep the account for the Ladders) My original £3 buy in is now about £200 in tokens. I keep replaying level 2 and win more than I lose, so my tokens increase. Everytime I hit £230, then I play level 3 - haven't ever achieved anything there though - the way I see it though, I'm getting "free" games at a higher level - eventually I figure (hope) I'll have a strategy that can get a consistent return there, then once I've built up my tokens, I'll have a "free" game on level 4 every time I hit £500 - that's the plan anyhow!!!!! I do get the impression that there is a significant difference in playing ability depending on time of day (during the day always seems to be the same group of players, who seem decent enough - I find evenings easier!!) Critical to this is that (at level 2 anyway) - no extra prize for finishing first - top 3 get the same - so this structure rewards tight and patient play.

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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders I'm almost a mirror image of GAF except I play 1 or 2 L2's a week - started off with one levell 1 teble chance buyin and am up to $240 in tokens - mainly just keep replaying Level 2 but have done one level 3 successfully. Keep thinking of girding my loins and going at a level 4 so as I can see sone money. Risking $100 (even if it is virtual) doesn't at this point feel natural. Opposition I've seen at L1,L2 and L3 seems a managable level. Do wonder though is theres a group of sharks sitting at the top of the food chain harvesting L4 :unsure. I keep thinking of doing a study of the L4 games one day to see if antyones playing them again and again.

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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders

I got carried away after a couple of L2 wins and have just started an L3 game - I must be mad!!
Lol ..... I'm playing 2 L2 games at the moment - have never come anywhere in L3 :sad I'd strongly suggest that you get your bank of tokens up on L2 - if you can consistently do well here, then you can play L3 for free :loon If one of my 2 L2 games comes in, then I'm going for a L3 game (after Dose of Envy)
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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders

GAF, thought you said L3 was difficult?! :lol :lol :lol :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
I did not!!! I said I've never done anything at Level 3 :$ (played 3 times I think!!) I didn't see the end of your game - I take it you won through?
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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders

I did not!!! I said I've never done anything at Level 3 :$ (played 3 times I think!!) I didn't see the end of your game - I take it you won through?
I got top 3, yeah :) Classic hand towards the end (might have been the one that got me thru, the adrenaline was rushing so much I lost track.) I'd bluffed a bit, raising when I was on the button, and folding if anyone bet reraised. This happened a few times and everyone seemed to have worked out I was blindstealing. Next time I'm on the button... I raise as before, opponent goes all in, I go all in as well... and turn over... !){ &&&&& :) :)
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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders I've seen him b4 signed up for loads of L3 game - think he works on the principle that L3 games often take a while to fill up - so its unlikely you ever get to more than 2 at once and if it dows look that way then you just keep an eye on the sign ups and deregister if necessary. I suppose if he's discovered that he wins more than 3.3/10 at L3 then he's on a positive expectation and will eventually take a shot at a free L4.

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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders Bumped this up to ask you guys a few questions. I've got Laddies. What do I do after I've clicked on 'Sit n Go' then Ladders. Do you have to start at L1? What are these tokens you are playing for, don't you play for cash? What is the final target (when do you 'win'), assuming you win an L4 game? Thanks very much for the info.:ok

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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders Mr V, how are you? Right, Laddie Ladders - you can buy in at any level but it costs $100 for level 4. The winner of this level gets $500, $300 for 2nd and $200 for 3rd. (got 2nd once) If you come in the top 3 in level 1 you win a token equivilent to entry fee for level 2 and so on through each level. Apart from the time I made some money, I found it quite frustrating that you could do well in 3 seperate tournies and still end up with nothing. You do need real cash as an initial investment ($3.30) and I don't have much money in this account so I don't play there. I'm pretty reluctant to deposit money into any Poker Site and haven't done so since around July or August. I tend to play the freerolls and if you win a few dollars on them you then have your stakes for tables with an entry fee. Ladbrokes do very very few freerolls. Anyway, enough of my rambling - I'm off to the pub.:beer

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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders

Bumped this up to ask you guys a few questions. I've got Laddies. What do I do after I've clicked on 'Sit n Go' then Ladders. Do you have to start at L1? What are these tokens you are playing for, don't you play for cash? What is the final target (when do you 'win'), assuming you win an L4 game? Thanks very much for the info.:ok
Start at level 1. Buy-in $3.00 + $0.30. If you finish in the top 3, you get tokens for a buy-in to level 2, finish top 3 there you get a buy-in for level 3, then buy-in to level 4 where you can win $500 (?). I think you can use tokens for levels 3 and 4 to play levels 2 and 3 respectively to try and accumulate more. You can't use level 2 tokens to play level 1. I'd imagine you could pay your way into the higher levels too. As clear as mud! :ok
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Re: Ladbrokes Ladders Hehe - Gazza's just PM'd me the very same question!!! Details from laddies are here - http://www.ladbrokespoker.com/features/promotions/?subsection=Promotions#7 Basically, you can buy in at any level with cash. You can buy in at levels 2 to 4 with tokens. All prizes at levels 1 to 3 are in tokens (tokens can only be used to buy into ladders games and cannot be exchanged for cash). The prizes at level 4 are cash. When you win tokens at a level, you don't have to buy into the next level, you can use them at the same level you just played. For example, at level 2, if you finish in top 3, you win buy in to next level ($30 + $3 worth of tokens). These tokens may equally be used for three level 2 games ($10 + $1). There is also a replay won for finishing 4th (tokens to value of $10 + $1). If you can regularly finish in top 4 at Level 2, you can therefore grow your pot of tokens. My strategy, is to keep playing level 2 ($10 + $1 tokens) until I have $200 worth of tokens, then I will play level 3 ($30 +$3). If I fall down to $200, then I will go back to level 2. If I get to $500 (hasn't happened yet) I will give Level 4 a bash ($100 + $10) - which has $1000 real cash prize money. I am confident that I hit the top 4 at L2 frequently enough that I can keep playing ladders for a long time without the need to risk any more of my own money. That is what (for me) makes this so interesting...... Does that make sense?

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