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Hand Play Query


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Hi folks, I thought I would try and pick your brains if you could spare a few mins. I've been playing NL hold 'em for a while now and had successes aswell as bad times. One thing that I think will make or break my play in the future is learning how to play a big hand properly. I know most of it comes down to posistion and circumstance but for instance - Say im holding AK (off) which i raise substantially pre-flop with. The flop comes 2 7 10 (rainbow) and i'm now under the gun, what move do i make? Ok basically what i want to know is - Should I represent a big pocket pair and bet big to try and win the pot there and then. Or check and possibly show weakness allowing another player to make a big bet and steal an already large amount of chips away from me? This is probably where im most flawed in poker and where my game gets broken. Any advice would be much appreciated :ok

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Re: Hand Play Query AK is a bugger of a hand. Personally I just play it big pre-flop. Raise 5 times BB and hopefully get as few people as possible seeing the flop. I'll usually flat call a raise. In good position if no-one makes any significant show of strength then I'll bet, otherwise I'll just let it go. IMO letting this hand go is one of the hardest but most essential things for any player to be able to do.

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Re: Hand Play Query Its a good question Hayward, because I have a different opinion. That is not to say that Paul is wrong at all. "Say im holding AK (off) which i raise substantially pre-flop with. The flop comes 2 7 10 (rainbow) and i'm now under the gun, what move do i make?" First of all I'd argue (probably in the minority, but you did ask) that although you have two dominant cards you've got nothing, as even 22 pre flop is a very slight favourite. I prefer to flat call, especially in an early position. That allows you some flexiblity in how the hand pans out then, and gives the opportunity to get out of the hand cheaply.

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Re: Hand Play Query When you raise pre flop with AK and you and only get 1 or 2 callers you should almost always follow it up with a near pot size bet even under the gun unless the board looks crazy scary. If you get called then your through of course but often youll win the hand right there. Throw it away if you get raised and hit nothing. Check whenever you dont hit AK I know what youll have everytime and Ill bet with nothing and take the pot away from you. Bare in mind by playing this way and betting out whenever you raised pre flop, no one will ever know what you have or a clue whether youve hit anything and its always good to keep your opponents guessing.

IMO letting this hand go is one of the hardest but most essential things for any player to be able to do.
I hear what you say Paul and its important to be able to lay down a good but beatable hand but AK IS a drawing hand so you will have to hit with it to win in a showdown. Its extremely easy to get away from imo, if I hit I bet. If I dont hit and I raised pre flop Ill bet. If I get called here ill check it down if poss. If I get raised ill fold. AA or KK is what I would describe as a hand thats hard to let go of. Its probably for this reason AK is maybe even better than AA cos youll lose less with it and win just as much in a big pot by an ace with a weaker kicker. Also pre flop - in general raising with AK is a sound play. Often I will raise with it in late position or on the button to cut out the field and I have position to make a bet and take the pot when everyone probably checks to me after the flop. But in early position I often just call with it tbh. This way im not forced into following up my pre flop raise with another bet after the flop. I say this because ill be out of position when I make this bet and if I get called I wont know where I stand even if I hit with it. Also youll have a weak ace come in somewhere with you and cos you never raised preflop they might think their kicker is good (say AJ) when an ace comes on the flop. Cos they think you would have raised with AK right? Wrong!
Say im holding AK (off) which i raise substantially pre-flop with
What dyou mean by substantial? I wouldnt suggest raising substantially unless the game is very loose or somebody already raised. 4xbigblind is usually sufficient as a normal bring in. I also just like calling with AK to raises. Bare in mind also im primarily a cash game player so the things I say apply to that more although of course theres a fair bit of crossover between cash and tournament play. I would get busy with AK more in a tournament id say in general, its a good hand all in ina tournament as youll hardly ever be in a bad spot with it. Also remember AKs can always be played slightly stronger than AKo whatever Valiant may think ;)
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Re: Hand Play Query Thanks for your thoughts. I guess iv'e always over-estimated the strength of AK and will start playing it much more conservatively. It's a hand thats spoilt a good hour - 2 hours of play in the past on a regular occasion for me. Hopefully I can get away from over playing it and I'll be :dude

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Re: Hand Play Query O.k heres something to make you all smile, laugh and giggle......... If im dealt A,Ko in a freeroll - then I WILL ALWAYS go allin If I'm dealt A,Ko on a loose tble the same applies................ otherwise I will play A,Ko as if it were 2,3o.......... see aflop and if nothing favourable then i will fold even if the flop is 3,5,9, rainbow if someone has called!!! thats just me, but i tend to play a lot of low value tables where the standard is not so high!!!! Totally contradicting what our pros have said but I do find it works for me 8/10 and thats enough for me to make it a prime hand :ok:ok by the way Hayward................. i noticed you play some of the jackpot hands on BETFRED and just wondering if you have ever gotten into the first 2 places in 6 consecative to win the bonus as I have seen at least 10 second place finishes by you and a few firsts........... If Im right there is a $300 bonus for doing this on the tables you play!!!

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Re: Hand Play Query

by the way Hayward................. i noticed you play some of the jackpot hands on BETFRED and just wondering if you have ever gotten into the first 2 places in 6 consecative to win the bonus as I have seen at least 10 second place finishes by you and a few firsts........... If Im right there is a $300 bonus for doing this on the tables you play!!!
Thanks for your advice Frisky. As for the Jackpot sit & go's. I didn't actually find out about the bonus until I had played in at least 5 or 6 of them and therefore never kept a record of the table numbers. The bonus will only be credited if you Email BetFred with the results. I did go on quite a good run though, I'll have to take a look at the 'Bragging' thread, although I stopped posting the results on there as I thought I was taking the mick slightly. :$ By the way whats your username on there? It's the only site I play on at the moment.
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