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Bamses Loss Recovery Plan


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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery I expect that there will be many questions about this system. I suspect that I haven´t explained thouroughly enough. I will try to answer the best that I can. About the bets, I can bet on absolutely anything, singles, doubles, U/O etc. as long as the average odd i about 2.0 or preferably a bit higher. Will bet on anything that looks really good, this means that I might place four or more on good days and that it once in a while can go a couple of days without a single bet. All the best. Bamse

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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Got to admit I don't fully understand your system, but on first glance it looks like some sort of bastardised martingale system? what is your selection criteria? if you are just randomly selecting even money bets and relying on the staking plan, then I fear your system may be doomed. apologies if I've misunderstood your strategy

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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery

Got to admit I don't fully understand your system, but on first glance it looks like some sort of bastardised martingale system? what is your selection criteria? if you are just randomly selecting even money bets and relying on the staking plan, then I fear your system may be doomed. apologies if I've misunderstood your strategy
Well first off I don´t know what it is you dont understand but its very far from Martingale. Yes, the stakes are raised if you lose but the key is the divisor and the goal you are working towards. The divisor is the factor that keeps down the stakes so you don´t blow your bank even if you´re on a long losting streak. I have been using Martingale and I dont think that i could discuss this with any relevance if i hadnt found out what sucks about that staking plan. The huge flaws of Martingale is what lead me to try this system. Have checked how this system would have effected my betting if i had used during two selected months. On the worst month of flat betting I had a slight loss, that loss was minimised had I been using the system. On the best month I had a larger profit on the system with then on flat bets. After that i have tried it with real money for about 100 bets. I´m not going to tell you my result because that would be some kind of weird after eventing. My selection criteria is the same as when i did flat betting. I look at previous results, form, statistics, value and so on. To me this is just a better form of betting that flat bets really. I dont "randomly select bets at even money", no staking plan is that good. I always try to be very picky when finding winners flat bet or on the system. If I find a good winner @3 of course I can bet on that too, but I will seldom go below 1.7, I seldomly do anyway. Thanks for the reply
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Two losses in a row. This means the goal is raised to 125 and the stake is now 31.3. Timrå-Luleå X2 @1.8 with NordicBet. This odd is ridicoulus, Luleå are in great form with 4 wins in a row and 11-1 in goal difference. I´m also going for the win @3 (betfair) which can be seen in the euro hockey thread in the other sports forum.

3Timrå-Luleå X21,84125,031,3 0955
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Hi Bamses - GL with this. Is there any chance you could put up a hypothetical (or real) example of how the strategy would cange with say 10 losses in a row. How would your divisor or goal change? how much would you be staking on bet 11 and would the aim be to recover all the losses or would it be to slowly re coup them. Thanks

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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery I also have a few things i dont understand.. :loon Your goal is 400 in bet1 But you play odds avr. 2 and only stake 100.. How does that get near 400??.. I think i like the idea here, if i had understood the rest correctly..

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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery

I also have a few things i dont understand.. :loon Your goal is 400 in bet1 But you play odds avr. 2 and only stake 100.. How does that get near 400??.. I think i like the idea here, if i had understood the rest correctly..
Thanks cains! Glad you like the general idea of it. Bank is 5000 in the example. 2% of that is 100pts. That is then my first stake. The goal is always the first bet multiplied by the divisor (4*100=400). I dont exactly know what you mean there by "How does that get near 400?" but I´m not supposed to get 400 in one bet. Forgot to say this but the goal can never be lower than the goal you start with. This also goes for the divisor. Hope I answered your question. All the best.
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Another loser, Lens couldnt get the ball in.. Now onto another matter. I´m thinking about starting another system running parallell to this one. It would include backing the draw in the same game as I bet on in the other system. Since the average odd of a draw is about 3.1 in europe (rough estimation) it would mean the divisor is 6 and this would mean that I can bear more losses in a row and that I get some refund when I lose on the first system. Another thought I have is backin Asian handicap or over/under bets with two systems running parallell which would mean that I win in every game. If the odds of the under is @ 1.5 then divisor is 3 and if the over is @2 then the divisor in that system would be 4. Can this actually work?? Is everyone following me here? If you have any comments on these thoughts please drop me a line, PM me or write in the thread. Please now that I´m fairly new to betting and that there is probably some obvious flaw that I missed. Thanks in advance for any help. Bets for today. Palermo is a better team than Treviso and this game is being played on neutral ground so I dont think Treviso cant hold them off. Palermo @2.1 with GB

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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery OK bamse I think I understand the first bit now, I was a little unsure about the terms you were using (divisor, goal etc.) but see if I've got this right. Your stake is your goal divided by you divisor. If you lose, your goal increases by the amount of the stake you've just lost. And the divisor is also the number of losses you can stand before the divisor has to be increased? I'm glad to see you're not just relying on a staking plan with random selections as this never works (but is often tried!). It'll be intersting to compare your long term results with flat staking. I personally don't use staking plans, but I wish you well with this system

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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Thanks emersonthome. You got it all right now. And thanks for the good luck wishes! A crappy start for this and another draw.. now I´m really considering what I just wanted advice on... Might be paper testing these two systems in the near future Anyway, its Inter on -1.5 this time @ 1.9 bf

6Inter on -1.51,94156,339,1 0924
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Not sure i understand it all yet.. :eek But thinks its getting closer. Will keep an eye on this thread and hopefully some day, i will see the light.. GL with inter.. I played this one several days ago.. So hope your loosing run STOPS NOW!! :hope

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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery

Not sure i understand it all yet.. :eek But thinks its getting closer. Will keep an eye on this thread and hopefully some day, i will see the light.. GL with inter.. I played this one several days ago.. So hope your loosing run STOPS NOW!! :hope
Cheers cains.. My little losing run stopped. Go on questioning if you want to and Ill try to answer best I can. Otherwise, stick to the thread and following my ups and downs at it will probably clear up soon :dude
6Inter on -1.51,94156,339,1W35959
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery

It'll be intersting to compare your long term results with flat staking. I personally don't use staking plans, but I wish you well with this system
Almost forgot to adress this! This is an important point youre bringing up here and thank you for that. Have never seen my staking plan tested before and so it is very important to see if its better or worse than flat bets. Important not only to me be to anyone that might be interested (if anyone). In 50 or perhaps even 100 bets I will compare this system to flat bets and publish the results in the thread. Maybe this can lead to others trying it out if the outcome is positive but it the end it always comes down to the skill of the punter.wink2.gif
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery

Inter 2-0 :clap :clap Is it an excel scheme you have?? Can i have a copy of that?? Maybe that help me even more. ;)
Yes, it is an excel that I created for this purpose. The only thing I fill in is the odd of the bet and W or L and excel does the math for me. Will PM you regarding your second question. Bamse.
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Will bet on Luleå today in the Swedish hockey league at fine odds. For my analysis please visit the Euro hockey thread in the Other sports section! For my own safety I will also cover this with a draw @ 4.8 which will not be included in the system! Bets are with bf.

6Inter on -1.51,94156,339,1W35959
7Brynäs - Luleå2,64121,130,30959
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Plan Another bet from the Swedish hockey league. For indepth analysis please visit the Euro Hockey Leagues Thread in the Other sports & events section. The hockey ends after the CL starts so I´ll place bets now. Have decided to stake what the staking plan says at this point, namely 20 pts, on all three. Will calculate divisor and goal when CL is over. All bets are Bf and are as always rounded up or down.

8MODO - Timrå2,0480,020,0 01007
9Man U - Villareal AH -12,0480,020,0 01007
10Thun - Arsenal2,0480,020,0 01007
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Plan Results from tonight. MODO won 1-0 and Arsenal too. Man U was maybe not such a good idea as i thought it was. They needed to win and with both Riquelme and Forlan away they should be able to. But congrats to Villareal too a perfect defensive. The four win streak came to an end and bank is at 1027. Will be back tomorrow with more bets.

8MODO - Timrå2,0480,020,0W201027
9Thun - Arsenal2,0480,020,0W201047
10Man U - Villareal AH -12,0480,020,0L-201027
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Plan

hey. where did you first read about this lossrecovery plan ?
Thanks for your post Came across a swedish web site where a guy was trying a plan that looks like this only he was betting on horses. I found out that it was applicable to other sports aswell. Then I did the excel and here we are. Have you heard about it anywhere else neg8? Personally have only seen this in one site so far.
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Plan

yes i have. tried it too about a year ago. maybe you are the same person as Langelin ? och svenska is teh shit :)
No, im not him. But hes probably the guy that does/did it in that site i mentioned. Feel free to PM me on your results. Ha det bra.
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Re: Bamses Loss Recovery Plan Todays selections.. Again its three bets at the same time so I´m going for what the plan says, namely 25 pts. All bets with Bf.

11Hammarby - Västerås1,84100,025,0 01027
12Anderlecht - Chelsea -1.52,14100,025,0 01027
13Porto - Rangers -11,94100,025,0 01027
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