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**Poker Friday 18th November**


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Re: **Poker Friday 18th November** Keep an eye on Eurolinx. They seem to have tournies appearing. A $300 one in 15 minutes. Theres not much value in this one actually. 500 players, $300 prize. To be honest I don't like the tournies there much. I played a couple yesterday and the blinds went up far too quickly. Its basically all in or nothing after about half an hour. I certainly wouldn't play on the tournies there unless it was a value one. Actually, the same goes for blue square, prima multi-tables and betfair. Its a crapshoot on these sites. I have to say, my favourite as far as blinds are concerned is 888.com. A slow pace with space for play, but you can enter faster tournaments if you want.

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Re: **Poker Friday 18th November** Nice one Slapdash!!!!! (I know - you're looking for revenge after I beat you HU in SO :P) Unfortunately, I've been watching the laddies play money rooms for about the last 20 mins and haven't seen a free table!!!! This may be tricky!!!

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Re: **Poker Friday 18th November** I didn't mention either that I gave you a bad beat on that final hand - your KK in against my TT and I hit the 10!!!! The "stalker" was the guy we pushed off the table, the one I kept going all in against, and the one who stole it back!!! - not good if we can't get best of 3 games in!!!! Andy and I are talking, see if we can sort out a plan B!!

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Re: **Poker Friday 18th November** Ive done well today on Betfair. I decided to do my own custom ladder type challenge. £3 STT,2nd,won £9. £10 STT,2nd,won £30. Might now use it to enter their £10k guarenteed tourney.£25 + £2, 268 entrants so far and starts at 9:30. Ill see if the value stays or not.

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