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**November MTT Leg 5** Wed 16th November 9pm GMT


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Re: **November MTT Leg 5** Wed 16th November 9pm GMT No seriously. This one is a classic. Logged on to SO. Registered for the safety net. Looked at my balance........... $00.00 Log on to website £40 is sitting there happily. Have to ring them up, log out let them press buttons and log in, where my balance has returned. I'm beginning to suspect that some cnut is having a laugh at my expense now.

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Re: **November MTT Leg 5** Wed 16th November 9pm GMT I'm unable to connect - there's a shock!! My brother phoned and said he'd try to log in for me from his computer but he had his doubts as he didn't manage to register himself. Anyone tell me if I'm still sitting out or am I creeping up the board? Begining to think my Broadband might be the problem here. Good luck everyone still left in.

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Re: **November MTT Leg 5** Wed 16th November 9pm GMT ARRGGGHHHH....... SO software locked up while it was swapping me on tables. Rebooted computer and now can't log back in!!!!!! Keeps saying unable to connect to master server, please try later...:wall Anyone else having any probs?

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Re: **November MTT Leg 5** Wed 16th November 9pm GMT

ARRGGGHHHH....... SO software locked up while it was swapping me on tables. Rebooted computer and now can't log back in!!!!!! Keeps saying unable to connect to master server, please try later...:wall Anyone else having any probs?
Something strange is going off as there are now 3 sitouts at my table - this is never normally the case with only 37 players left.
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Re: **November MTT Leg 5** Wed 16th November 9pm GMT Out in 41st. Shame I was playing ok tonight as well, first my KK got beat by a flush (well done Andy) and then my ten ten, although I hit a ten, made a nice straight for the dwad holding JQ....nevermind, I've improved my average!!! :loon Good luck peeps. Away for a week so see you all next Weds. DC

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