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**Poker Wednesday 16th November**


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Re: **Poker Wednesday 16th November**

currently 16th in Safety net with 48 to go and 9th in Blue sq freeroll with 52 to go having an O.K night :lol:lol:lol
:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall Left my fcukin computer for 3 minutes (while in good positions so I could afford to lose some chips) to make a cuppa for 2 friends who called. Told them that I was playing freerolls and to call me if a good hand comes up or just click FOLD if not!!! What do the cnuts do??? All In with the first sign of an Ace or King in my absence........... When I came back in I saw both screens closed!!! checked my details and found I went out of the safety net after calling all in on the big chip leader with a,2 FFS :@:@:@ but worse went out of the Blue sq in the Bubble with 17,500 chips when i left (i.e I was 3rd) when i was called on all-ins with 5,6 Clubs (this was what they went all in with playing my hand :@:@:@ ) and then went all in with q,10 after seeing a flop and having pair Queens) . The pair of Fcuking cnut........... Im fcukin livid with them, needless to say they didnt stay very long and think it a big joke because they thought Freerolls dont give prizes!! :eyes:eyes :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall :wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall:wall jesus, Im fuming!!! :@:@:@:@:@
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 16th November** Damn - Nothing you can really say to that. Bad luck doesn't quite cover it. Hope you don't let it affect your game. Next time you're out with the loony brothers make sure they buy the first 2 rounds - then disappear. Yeah, like that would make up for it. Sorry Frisky...

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 16th November** I had probs during the Safety net when I got kicked out mid hand.... When I got back in after about 4 mins I had exactly the number of chips I had before i got involved in that hand so i assume they all lost connections and the chips in play returned to where they came from.........

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Re: **Poker Wednesday 16th November**

but worse went out of the Blue sq in the Bubble with 17,500 chips when i left (i.e I was 3rd)
Just remembered BurtSaddo was on my table - He must think Im a complete Tit after seeing those plays!!! After all it was only a freeroll but in the money practically in both and with such a high position on Blue sq Im just fuming as i had a good shot at first place which is about $56 or so. I got a FCUKING DOLLAR in the Safety net :lol:lol:lol
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Re: **Poker Wednesday 16th November**

Finished 3rd in The Sun Poker banana.gif Best I've played in a while embarassed.gif
Good girl :clap:clap:clap Wish you could have seen you man take out 2 players in the Blue sq banker booster with 2,4o. Missed the screenshot but his big blind got called by 2 players - burt saddo was one!!! Checking all round with something like 640 chips in the pot. Turn over of cards shows something like A, 3 suited, K,Q o and 2,4o. Flop was something like 3,2,4 8,9 :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin He got bumped next hand while holding something better and meeting TRIPS :lol:lol:lol:lol
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