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**Poker Sunday 13th November**


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Re: **Poker Sunday 13th November** There is now a Ferrari qualifier up on partypoker.net for today. 1800 registrations so far - so you've got a good few hours yet!!! Just to clarify for anyone still not sure - this is a "training" site and doesn't have any real money set-up. So ANYONE can get a free account, without any credit cards or anything - there's no excuse for everyone not winning a Ferrari (appart from the fact that there are "only" 2 available!!!) I can't believe I actually got up at this crazy hour to play the Betfred Vegas Qualifier - 30 entered in the end - 25 left at the moment - I have built a little, currently in 12th...........

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Re: **Poker Sunday 13th November**

Not listed' date=' but don't forget Valiant's big one today - the Weekly Scottish Daily Final at Sporting Odds at 16:30 GMT. 167 in so far, which means top 16 qualify........[/quote'] Just kicked off. 232 started, which means 23 qualify with 24th winning $28. :hope
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Re: **Poker Sunday 13th November**

I've just registered for tonights People's Poker Challenge at SO. Having looked down the list there's already a sizeable contingent of non-UK based entrants so I've fired off an e-mail to them. I await a response with bated breath! :ok
Will emails be looked at in time? I'm just getting on to live help about it ...... hopefully they can remove them!!! If anyone else wants to get on to live help as well ..... feel free....... Now hows Valiant doing?
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Re: **Poker Sunday 13th November** Just qualified for the Mini Final tomorrow with slapdash who's got a shedload of chips. GL mate. Gazza's through also despite being sat out for the whole tourney. He ended up sat right behind me so I just kept folding against him to give him more chips and so that he didnt end up all-in against me. :lol PLers stick together! :ok :lol Good luck V and thank you to Mrs V for that naughty little task you did for me earlier! I appreciate it. ;)

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Re: **Poker Sunday 13th November** :lol :lol :lol As soon as I read it I thought "Oh no...Wayne." First break and I'm sitting nicely in 35/6th out of 116. Passive play seems to be the best way not to over commit, as there are some truly awful players. For example, short stack (but not THAT short) went all in with K7o, and was called by someone with 36o, who flopped the boat. :wall :wall :wall

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Re: **Poker Sunday 13th November** Somebody went allin with just over 1/2 my stack, and I was sitting with AQo. I deliberated, thought it was a muppet and called with 1 other. We checked it to the river. 1 had AKo I had AQo Muppet had QJs Oh yes the RIVER made him JJ's :wall :wall :wall :wall Just trying to build it back, now. :hope

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Re: **Poker Sunday 13th November**

Just qualified for the Mini Final tomorrow with slapdash who's got a shedload of chips. GL mate. Gazza's through also despite being sat out for the whole tourney. He ended up sat right behind me so I just kept folding against him to give him more chips and so that he didnt end up all-in against me. :lol PLers stick together! :ok :lol
Gazza finished in 14th. Not bad for somebody who didn't even bother to turn up. clap.gif I failed to keep him in further when I made a big raise with a crap hand when he was all-in, in an attempt to narrow the field for him. But some other guy made a big raise. I finally finished in 8th.
Good luck V and thank you to Mrs V for that naughty little task you did for me earlier! I appreciate it. ;)
I'm not even going to ask. Oh, OK then, I am ...?
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