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**SO Real Envy** 29th November 8PM GMT


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plpokerrealenvy2dx.jpg "Real Envy" on 29th November is the Grand Final for the "Envy" series at Sporting Odds. You can qualify through the daily freerolls, the weekly freerolls or simply by amassing 200 raked hands in November. First prize is "Trip for 2; 4 nights in the Bellagio in Las Vegas plus $1000" - Is there ANYONE here who wouldn't want that prize? Full details here. PL Qualifiers so far: Valiant23 (Higgs23pl) The Quiet Man (SSpiersey) fenners (fenners) runadrum (runadrum) waynemcke (waynemcke) Mr Bubbles (MR_BUBBLES) Sharpe1ne (Sharpe1ne) Legend Killer (ajcairns) Kestral (kestral3) danno375 (danno375) PistonBroke(pistnbroke) Philossify (Phil2211) Heniek (heniek31)
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Re: **SO Real Envy** 29th November 8PM GMT

I should have played well over 200 raked hands already ....................... guess i'll do it the lazy way laugh4.gif
Can you register mate? I thought I'd hit 200 by now, but can't register yet.....
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Re: **SO Real Envy** 29th November 8PM GMT me too, a little more comfortably than sharpe, who made the same last 5 as me. 6 left, one guy was short stacked and would be all in on the blind but people still kept raising. turned out he was sitting out to try and get to the last 5 and wasnt very happy that we folded to the BBs until it was him and then we all called! he went nuts.

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Re: **SO Real Envy** 29th November 8PM GMT Hi Everyone I've been lurking for a while without posting - :$ But have just qualified for this by finishing 4th in todays freeroll :nana so thought it an ideal time to say say and introduce myself..... Will start saying hi if I see you around the tables - I'm mostly under the name kestral, kestral3, kestral22

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Re: **SO Real Envy** 29th November 8PM GMT Nice one Piston!! You're not listed in the final yet - if you don't go up today, I'd recommend worth starting to chase them. I've checked though, and you have definitely qualified!! What I'll start doing is listing names in bold when they are there AND I can see them in the final - that way we know if there are many missing.....

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Re: **SO Real Envy** 29th November 8PM GMT Was just about to email SO about not being in the list, but double checked and I'm there now :D - must have been added this morning. Your name is there as well MR Bubbles :ok Mr Vs email probably gave them a kick up the ### as there were only 55 registered last night and there are 91 this morning. edit: Sharpe1ne and pistnbroke are also now in the list on SO site - so thats everyone in the list.

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