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Poker Forum Challenge V at Royal Vegas Poker


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Re: Poker Forum Challenge V at Royal Vegas Poker Would have been more comfortable a bit earlier if I had bet a pair of 9s in mid-position. One person raises with AJo, another calls with A4 and I would have rivered a nine to makes 9s full of 2s and neither caught anything to help them improve. :( ....as it is, I'm just about surviving. 75th out of 87 players with 8,460 chips.

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Re: Poker Forum Challenge V at Royal Vegas Poker AJd (me) versus AKo (huge stack) versus AJs (some other unlucky bugger). Fell into the trap of not seeing 'good cards' and trying to do something with 'em when I had what I thought was something. I've been throwing stuff away like AQh (twice) with good effect having seen them not catch anything on the flop and others betting it out where the low kickers (usually accompanied with an ace) would catch one of the low cards. Should have called with K7o one or two hands before my exit (the one with two kings on the flop) as some bugger won with ace high! :( I made few mistakes apart from the ones I stated and I just blew up when I saw AJd. :spank 71st? Can't complain too much (even if it is only 30 places that cash. Outrageous with 2125 players but it's a freeroll so fair dos). Could have been out 90ish when my all-in just before the second break with K8s clashed with the small blind's AKo just before the break (two pair! 9s and 8s!). A mixture of outrageous luck and skill required for these things. Had a little luck not enough skill. Shouldn't have played AJd as an all-in in early position. I severely need to work on table image and skill as well a some kind of killer instinct. Am I disappointed? YES. Not 'Mike Matusow break down in tears after being knocked out of the WSOP 2004' disappointed but I am disappointed. Gaming Club's $2000 freeroll is an hour before Bet365's $5,000 freeroll. Eh. May brael, fenner and rippy do a lot better on Saturday night. :ok

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